𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲: 𝗖'𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

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  it's our tradition

"Mr Brooke is coming to teach us some Latin or something," Teddy shouted through the vent

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"Mr Brooke is coming to teach us some Latin or something," Teddy shouted through the vent. our rooms were right next to each other and he often communicated through our shared vent as children, "i am fluent in Latin Teddy, i think that Pops forgets that i still had an education in France," i huffed. i has called Mr Laurence Pops for a very long time, i once refused to call him anything other the Mr Laurence at first, i was in denial that i would be living here, i thought my life would just return to normal. however my love for the man grew quickly and i began to call him Pops, he appreciated the name dearly. "how did you become fluent? it was only 2 years, i have still been learning and i now only know how to form around 10 sentences," he laughed, i returned a small giggle, "because i concentrated Teddy," he huffed and i heard his footsteps. then, not to my surprise, he come barging into my room. he jumped onto my bed then began to tickle me, "i do concentrate, you were the silly one," he said while i wriggled, "admit it," he continued to make me squeal and squirm. "okay okay, you do concentrate," i let out breathlessly.

he stopped tickling me with a proud look on his face. i then jumped up and straddled him, "you definitely do not Teddy," i then began to tickle him, he could not move due to me sitting on him. his laugh echoed my room, "stop it," he laughed out making me smile. i stopped and he sat up, me still sitting upon him. i quickly realised and began to feel nervous, i had done this many times before in our tickle fights yet this time it felt different, alike when we held hands, it felt different. i soon realised we were both just staring into each others eyes making me even more nervous therefore i jumped up and straightened my dress. i rushed out of the room like nothing happened.

after a long Latin lesson of which i knew everything Mr Brooke tried to teach Teddy and i walked the halls of our home. "i heard that Sallie's annual ball is on tonight, it has been so long since i have seen her. would you do the honour of being my 'date' Teddy?" i smiled, i used my fingers to hyphenate the word date. his eyes shifted, "i have agreed to go with Jo, it has kind of been our tradition since we met there two years ago," he smiled weakly. my eyes darted to the floor, i did not want him to see my sadness, "but Teddy, it has been our tradition since we were little," he looked to the floor alike me. "but i already said yes to Jo," he mumbled, i sighed, "it is fine, Harrison Yates asked me however i declined, i will just tell him that i accept his offer," i turned away from Teddy and fastened my pace, he followed me, "i am sorry Belle but it's mine and Jo's thing," his voice low. "Theodore Laurence! how dare you call it yours and hers thing when you and i did it since from the ages of 4 to 15. it does not matter i do not care, Harrison is just as good company," i slammed my bedroom door. i could hear his annoyance, he knew i only called him his full name in times where i was annoyed, he hated it. i am sure he hated that i said Harrison's company was just as good as his as well.

i ensured that i looked perfect that night. i wanted to show Teddy just how much he would be missing without me. i was still extremely annoyed he has dropped OUR tradition and then restarted it with her, a girl he had known no where near the time he had known me. it hurt i must admit, yet i would not let him know. just to spite the boy i had called Harrison on our brand new telephone, one of the few in the country, to ask for him to pick me up in his carriage, he obviously agreed and Teddy knew nothing of it. i admired my royal blue gown in the mirror, i had paired it with matching jewellery and shoes, with some white silk gloves. i walked down the large staircase to see Teddy and Jo laughing together, it truly did annoy me however i would not show them and give Teddy the satisfaction, and not to mention fuel his ego. i walked straight past the pair causing them to turn and watch me wait on the porch. "we were just waiting, the carriage is taking us all," Teddy announced, i shook my head at him. "i am riding with Harrison," the boys eyes widened, "but we always ride together," he protested, "i guess a lot of traditions are being broke this year. sorry Theodore, i see the the Harrison has arrived," i knew just how to annoy the boy, and believe me i would do my best to do so.

"it is ever so lovely to see you again Isabella," Harrison smiled, i had known the boy since i was 12 years old, we met at one of Sallie's parties, he was kind, smart and overly wealthy. however he had a huge crush on me in our prior days, to which i always declined. "it has been so long," i smiled looking to the charming boy, he had also grown and matured. "i hope that France treated you well," he nodded trying to spark up conversation, "very much indeed," i replied, we then quickly caught up before entering Sallie's home arm in arm.

upon entering i was hugged immediately by the girl whom had fully kept in contact with me other these two years, "Sallie, it is so nice to see you again. i truly do appreciate the letters over these two years, believe me it brought much comfort," she held me tightly, "i have missed you ever so much Bee. i am so glad to see you here. you look so beautiful," we pulled away and caught up all while Harrison mingled with the other boys. "so, where is Laurie? i would have thought that he would be with you, or is he coming with Meg's sister again?" i nodded, "Meg's sister," then sipped some champagne. we caught up full and laughed at some stories of my French admirers, "Ned Moffat is looking right at you," i whispered to her. she blushed immediately, she had always had a crush on the boy, when we were younger we always used to send love notes to our crushes, mine constantly changing, hers always Ned. "Laurie is looking right at you," she whispered back, i quickly turned my head to see him watching Sallie and i, i knew this was my opportunity to get him back. i excused myself from Sallie and moved to Harrison, "would you like to dance?" i smiled, he nodded and took my hand. i did not really want to dance with the boy, i just wanted to get back at Teddy, this was the best way to do so. Teddy and i would always dance together, it was our thing, i knew Jo would not dance out here, she quite obviously hated dancing. i took quick glances to Teddy and not to my surprise he was watching Harrison and i, his face plastered with annoyance.

after my dance with Harrison i met with Meg and found a place to rest, we had both been dancing for a while and needed a seat. i knew the perfect place, i opened the door hidden behind curtains to find the red sofa. we sighed and both sat. "why are you mad at Laurie?" she asked, i huffed but knew i must let my emotions out to someone. "well, it's just, it seems silly and selfish, but, oh gosh, i can't help but feel that Jo has replaced me. you see before i left only i had called Theodore Teddy, since we were around 6 years of age, and now Jo calls him it. that's not it really tho. Teddy and i came to these parties together for 9 years, it was our thing however he declined my ask of him to attend with me for Jo. he said it was their 'thing' yet we had done it for 9 whole years Meg. i feel completely replaced," i sighed resting my head in my hands. the girl rubbed my back sweetly, "it's okay. i guess i kind of feel replaced my Jo. her and i were together all of the time before, now she spends it with Laurie. we are kind of in the same place," she huffed, i sat to look at the girl. "why don't we replace them with each other?" i smiled to which she nodded. "how about some more champagne?" she laughed, i gladly got up and walked with her.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now