𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗨𝗻𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗗'𝘂𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗶

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a letter from a friend

"we have missed you both," Marmee said as she welcomed us into her home

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"we have missed you both," Marmee said as she welcomed us into her home.
the girls all ran to see us and enveloped us
in hugs. "did you meet any nice men?" Amy asked me instantly. i looked to Teddy and gave him a small smile.
"i know many nice men Amy, i'll introduce you too some one day," i said and hugged her tightly.
"oh i have so much to tell you," Meg pulled me into her room upstairs.
"so?" i said excitedly, she took a breath and then smiled "Mr Brook and i are dating," i took both of her hands and shook them with excitement.
"Meg i am so happy for you," i said with such joy. "gosh i am smitten," her words full of love, i couldn't help but be internally jealous.

"so Teddy, tell me did you find yourself a wife?" Marmee laughed as we sat,
"and you Belle, any potential husbands?" she added. "not for me," Teddy shook his head and watched my intensively for my answer. "hundred, they were lining up for me," i said in a sarcastic tone. Teddy quickly butted in, "in all seriousness, nearly all of the boy there were drooling over Belle," i blushed red and shook my head rapidly. "is anyone surprised look at her," Meg said sweetly, "i second that," Amy said, "third it," said Beth, "i guess so," muttered Jo.

as Teddy and Amy spoke in the other room i took the opportunity to spend some time with Jo. "hey," i said and sat myself down next to her, "you haven't told anyone have you?" she said, i gave her a confused look. then remembered, her secret, "oh of course not Jo," i shook my head, she smiled. "thank you, for letting me trust you," in that moment i saw her vulnerable side for the second time since meeting her, then i realised
no wonder Teddy chose her over me
she was everything i was not.

"no that is unfair," i protested as Teddy's won for the fourth time in a row.
"i told you he was good at this," Amy said referring to the checkers board.
"i used to beat him all of the time as kids i swear," i said giving him a fake angry face making him smile. "hey two years is
a long time to practice," he shrugged his shoulders. i pushed him lightly making Amy laugh. "so Belle, how long till you return to Paris?" Amy asked, i saw Teddy go still in the corner. "around two months, i will set off the same day Teddy does to study, to make things easier travel wise," i said, i truly was excited to return to my life in Paris, yet i was ever so scared to leave my life in Concord again.
"we will all miss you back here," Amy places her and on my shoulder and smiled.

Teddy and i decided to go on a walk to the near by forrest for the remaining hours of day light, "you will visit me won't you?" he asked as we sat beside a tree, i nodded, "don't be so silly Teddy, i can not go another two years without seeing you, it hurt enough the first time," i pulled him close to me and placed my head on his shoulder. "good, i will take you up on that
Belle," he chucked.

"make sure that you do not fall in love with some no good man in Paris," he said, with a glint i'd hurt in his voice.
"i will try my hardest for you Teddy," i joked, he sent me a small smile and took a deep breath of the natural air around us.
"i hope you know that even after everything that has happen Belle,
you still are and forever will be my best friend, i will do anything for you," he took my hand in his and held it tightly.
"you will always be my number one Teddy, always, i would do anything to see that smile," i poked his cheek lightly and giggled. "me too Belle, me too," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. we sat watching the sunset over the horizon as we leaned upon our favourite tree.
i would never let go of this moment,
the moment it was only me, my best friend, and the world around us.
true perfection.

i woke up to the sun shining through my curtains, it felt strange waking up alone since for the past few days i had Teddy at least in the room. i woke a short blue silk nightgown from Paris that i adored. it made me feel beautiful as i looked in the mirror. just as i sat back down onto my bed and reached for my book Teddy came into the room. Topless may i add.
i stared at him in awe and he stared
right back. he jumped onto my bed
and pulled me into a warm embrace.
"i love morning hugs from you," i smiled, yet he stayed silent and just enjoyed the moment. he looked down and his finger slowly traced up my leg until it reached the bottom of the nightgown. i looked
into his eyes but they did not moved
from my bare leg. he took his finger from my leg and placed his hand onto my waist. by now i was already breathless and indeed confused.

"you look beautiful," he whispered and pulled my body closer to his.
"thank you Teddy," i smiled as my finger traced across his bare collar bones.
he pulled my leg over his body and tucked his head into the crook of my neck.
i ran my finger up and down his back slowly as i felt his hot breaths on my skin.
he pulled his head from my shoulder and looked into my eyes,
"i could stay like this forever" his whispered, i smiled sweetly to the beautiful boy in front of me,
"well that's too bad i am hungry then isn't it," i smiled and got up from the bed.
he looked shocked at my actions but i had to let him know, he did lot have control over me, no matter how much i wanted him to be mine.

as we stepped downstairs for breakfast a maid handed me a letter, "this came for you this morning Belle," she smiled before walking off. Teddy looked at me with raised eyebrows as i looked
at the writing of the letter, writing
i recognised instantly , writing i would never forget. Léon Levitte.

Dear Isabella Montgomery,

I have been counting the days since our last meeting. After that sweet summer I have been able to forget you, my best friend. As Claude Monet painted your beauty onto his canvas I wrote sweet poems for you, all that you loved if I remember right. I understand that you will return in September of this year and believe me sweet Belle, my heart has never felt so full.

I want to run through the meadows with you again, I want to watch you as you play me sweet songs on the piano again, I want to watch the stars and let go of life with you again, I want you back. I have fallen in love with you, my heart is missing the feeling I get when your eyes meet my own. Louis has returned and he has told me all about his ventures in Concord. He told me about Laurie, now I must admit, I did get rather jealous as he explained your bond.

Please write me back mon amour, I am waiting for you.

Léon Levitte x

as my eyes scanned the page after reading my heart had stopped. Léon and i had
been extremely close in Paris,
if i must admit i did have a crush on the boy, yet Teddy made me completely forget about my feelings, however as my fingers traced his cursive letters they started coming back. my head began to be clouded by confusion.

"who is it?" Teddy leaned over
my shoulder to try and look but i pulled the letter into my chest quickly.
"just a friend," i said trying to calm my heart, he looked at me with the side of his eye. "a friend?" his voice more stern, i could even sense some jealously.
"yes just a friend Teddy," i lied through my teeth, i knew he was more than a friend, but was he more than Teddy?
that was something i just couldn't see in the moment. maybe i could find happiness as Teddy and Jo marry, maybe
Léon would change it all.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now