𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗼: 𝗠𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲

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my princess

"i think we will need a carriage to take it all over there Teddy," i shouted to the boy, "it is only a short walk don't be silly Belle," he smiled, then as he walked into the room he paused

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"i think we will need a carriage to take it all over there Teddy," i shouted to the boy, "it is only a short walk don't be silly Belle," he smiled, then as he walked into the room he paused. i had analysed all of my clothing and picked out the things which i did not want to keep. i had decided to give it to Jo and her sibling, due to Teddy telling me there was four of them, all girls. i had always dreamed of having sisters of my own, yet my mother and father died to early to have carried on growing our family. i was not too sad, as i had Teddy and Mr Laurence to be my family. "we might just need a carriage then," he laughed looking at the three chests full of clothing, shoes, jewellery, and other things i had sorted for the girls. "who knew you had this much stuff?" he smiled, i pushed his arm, "i had a lot of time on my hands in France, time to collect all the dresses i wanted," i shrugged my shoulders. we got two of our staff to load up the carriage for the short journey to the March household.

upon our arrival four people were stood at the door, non of which i recognised, until Jo stepped out. "hello Jo, it's lovely to see you again," i smiled, she pulled me into a hug which i did not expect however i did accept. the four woman moved closer and began to introduce themselves. first was a blonde girl, she was extremely pretty, "hello i'm Amy," she smiled holding out her hand, i shook her hand and smiled, "i'm Belle, it is lovely to meet you Amy," she scanned my attire with wide eyes, "i love your clothes, you look amazing," i blushed, "thank you. you are extremely beautiful Amy, i must admit," she smiled greatly. "i am Meg, it is so nice to meet you Belle, we have heard a lot from Laurie," she smiled, i looked to the boy who was conversing with Jo and smirked. "it is ever so nice to meet you Meg," my attention was then drawn to a girl, quieter than the others, yet just as beautiful, "i'm Belle," i smiled, her eyes lifted from the ground, "i'm Beth," she smiled lightly. an older woman then walked forward, she had a lovely smile, just like the other girls. "hello Belle, i am Mrs March but please call me Marmee, everyone seems to do so," she giggled, "it is lovely to meet you Marmee."

"what's in the chests, if you don't mind me asking?" Amy said, i quickly smiled, "i have recently returned from France, i have some gifts for you all. as well as that i have had a look through my dresses and these are the ones i would like to give you all," the girls all looked at me with wide eyes. Marmee placed her hand on my shoulder, "we mustn't accept, i know the prices of most dresses Belle and they aren't that of which i'd just give away," i shook my head, "no no, i have an abundance, trust me. plus there is some jewellery and shoes. i really do not need the excess amounts and trust me i still have more than enough for myself back home. as for the gifts from France, Laurie helped me pick which girl to give them too," he shyly smiled from the background while the girls all looked so excited. we all helped to bring the large chests in and sat in the lounge of the house. i liked the home, it was comforting, it had a warm vibe.

"most of these dresses are made by Legastelois, he is very popular in France, i even got the honour of meeting him," i smiled remembering my days of fashion in the city of Paris. "they are so beautiful and well made," Meg commented while admiring a pink dress set in front of her. "i can not believe you are just giving us these pieces of art," Amy still looking thought the large chest filled to the brim with designer fashion. the girls had them moved onto the shoes and jewellery box to which Marmee gasped. "this must have been more expensive than all of the dresses together," Beth said while holding a sapphire necklace, "is it all real?" Amy asked dumbfounded by the two jewellery boxes filled with gold, silver, diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald pieces, i nodded. none of the pieces i had given held any sentiment to me, most given by admirers from Paris. "gosh you are the kindest soul i have ever met," Beth whispered. "please let's get onto the gifts, i can not handle anymore talk of dresses and jewels," Laurie laughed with Jo nodding in agreement.

"so this one is for Beth," i said handing over the large book of sheet music, "i met a composer in France, i now know all of the pieces by heart, Teddy said you'd like it," her mouth agape she held the music tight to her chest. "thank you so much Belle, i hope that we can play together one day," her gratitude prominent. i then pulled out a selection of novels from my book collection in France, "i have these for Jo, some of my personal favourites. they are amazing," i handed her the books as the admired the covers, she smiled to signify her thanks and nodded back. "this is a hair comb, it has real pearls on it and is detailed with 24 karat gold, Laurie said Meg would like it," i handed the older girl the comb and her smiled was as bright as the sun. "it is just the most beautiful thing i have ever seen, thank you ever so much Belle," , i knew that Meg and i would get along greatly. "and for Amy i have two gifts," i pulled the small canvas from the box and her eyes shone, "this is a piece by a up and coming artist called Claude Monet, he is the kindest of men and actually painted around 10 paintings for me, this is a garden in which we dined in," i smiled remembering the kind man i missed dearly. "this is the most amazing piece i have ever seen," she was struck with astonishment, "and i have a set of paints only manufactured in France, they are the best to paint with i assure you," she came closer and pulled me into a hug. "thank you," she smiled, "it's my pleasure," i replied. "and for Marmee, i have some spices and herbs from around Europe, i assure you they make any meal one hundred times better," the woman took the rack from me and took me into her arms. "thank you for doing this for me and my girls, i hope good things come your way."

after getting to know the family for the day i began to feel tired. i had realised the Jo and Teddy were a close knit pair. almost alike he and i used to be, however i could it dwell upon it, i knew that getting jealous would not be the correct way to go about it. Laurie and i traveled hand in hand back to our home, we had held hands may a time before however this time it felt different. "thank you for introducing me to your friends Teddy," i smiled and held his hand tighter in my own, "they are our friends now, ma princesse," he spun me around using our connected hand. my heart fluttered at the use of his nickname, it meant 'my princess' in french, ever since he heard Mr Laurence call me it at the age of 6 he has continued. i found it ever so sweet.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now