A crime, a thought, and a broken man

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One can be a powerful number, it's just where you put it that                                                                     matters.

POV: Mumbo, the walking mustache 


"Wha-? Huh? Who's the..?"

Jolting up, the tired mustache flopped right back down, exhausted from the nights project. 


  Jolting up,(again) he looked around hurriedly. The front door was just closed, meaning someone just left. The pantry was open, meaning the someone was a Grian. The proof it was Grian was the obvious climbing mess left behind. Only Grian would climb a pantry instead of getting a step-stool. The other proof was the scattered marshmallows. The scene had Grian written all over it. 

  Chuckling to himself, he shook his head and laughed at his friends impulsiveness. He knew Grian had laid some prank or other. First of all, it was April Fools. Second, it's Grian we're talking about. Now, he just had to find where. He had the proof, now he just needed to stop the prank before something insanely stupid happened. 

Mumbo stood up. (wrong move dude.)

  A weird beeping sound, and a red flash later, he realized his mistake. Grian was smart enough to get a prank done in the most respectfully, stupidly, genius way possible.

  An egg went flying, slapping Mumbo on the side of his face. Mumbo moved his hand to wipe the egg of, triggering the observer. Another one went flying, noticeably from the same direction, hitting him on the opposite side of his face. Mumbo ducked, this time purposefully, so he could trigger the observer, in hopes of seeing the exact direction the egg came from.  An egg went flying overhead, just as he hoped. Seeing that it came from the corner, "Mr. Mustache" walked over and simply emptied the dispenser. But something caught his eye. That something was a repeater...

  Grian almost never used those.. which was why this was suspicious. After thinking for a quick bit, he followed the trail, not noticing the observer, due to the fact that he was only interested in the redstone trail. 


  Quickly turning, Mumbo got egged, again. Another egg followed that, and missed, but to where, he couldn't see. A fizzling sound sprouted from somewhere nearby. Smoke rose, and sparks danced a dangerous dance across the room, across the redstone, and a crackling sound rang out.

  Mumbo ran for the door, but made it to late...

  The sparking grew, something happened to quick to process, and the last thing Mumbo saw was a whole section of his base going up in flames, as he went flying, he could feel his life melting away, and the fire scorched his whole body, burning his elytra. The last thing that happened was him free falling, Xisuma looking up to see a human torch,  and everything going black right before he hit ground.


  He awoke on an island, red still painting his vision, and in to much pain to move. Groaning, he lay there waiting for something to happen.....Xisuma did see him right.....right...? 

  About ten minutes later, he saw the admin flying towards him, clearly confused at what just went down.

"MUMBO!! My goodness! What happened? Are you okay? You just went flying from the sky-and you- fire!- elytra-..!?" The admin started pelting the poor guy questions for the next two or three minutes straight. 

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