Death by cake

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POV: Cub

He had been cowering under the covers all day long, his head just peeking out to watch the TV screen. It was April first. It did NOT matter what time of day or that all the pranks should've been set off or that it was 4:00 pm and Cub, a grown man, was hiding under the sheets. He was many things, yet not stupid. (ok maybe just a little....)

A loud buzz slashed through the room, which was so quiet it was like gunshots. Cub screamed and fell off the bed, dragging the blankets down with him. "AAHHCCCCKKKKK!!!" He thrashed around trying to escape the burrito he'd wrapped himself into. Another buzz rang out, signifying a one minuet mark, meaning it was a message. Freezing out of relief, he untangled himself and grabbed his phone. It was Scar.


"Heyyy Cub!!!"

"Hey Scar!! What's up?"

"Nothin! Just wondering if you could meet me at ConCorp?"

"Uhm why...?"

"Me and Jellie made a cake!"

"Oh! Ok! It's not gonna explode is it?"


"Nope! Just a cake!"

"Uh huh, ok.."

"Well uhm it's on the table!"

"Ok, I'll be there"

"Ok, uhm I may not be there because Jellie needs food!"

"Bye Cub!"


Cub looked around.  He could go right...? It was for his friend, and it was Scar. He wouldn't hurt him much less be able to. Scar was too nice for that.... and it was four...... everything should've been set off... He sighed. He was going out on a limb here for his friend.....

Slowly, he crept out of the room and slipped on his elytra and made his way to ConCorp. He crept around. "S-scar...?" He got nothing is response. That was good....right....? Nobody was here then...

Then he saw it. A triple layer, carefully decorated, ConCorp cake. Cub widely smiled. Scar must've made it to celebrate the Convex because it was April First, day of mischief! He was such a friend that way! Cub grinned and picked up a knife that laced neatly next to this masterpiece. Scar wouldn't mind if he tried a bit before hand right....?

Slowly he started cutting a piece down before he felt resistance. "Odd..." He thought. He looked over the cake and presses down harder.


Cub yelled as something exploded. Then he doubled over coughing. Something was in his throat! He was soaking wet to! The world got fuzzy and things blackened over. The last thing he saw was a half exploded cake and red plastic.

His vision went black.

(Word Count: 477)
(Sorry this is a shorter chapter, I have a plan for the next one tho, just thought it'd work out better if it was like this. Also just an explanation they don't get death messages. Also don't worry jellie isn't gonna die my life was threatened on that.....😳)

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