A time before you sleep

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Y'know.... this chapter could be what happens to Xisuma before he falls asleep....

POV: Mumbo/Xisuma/Iskall/Stress/Keralis/Bdubs/Cub/Scar/Annnnnnnnnnddddd.... Grian

Mumbo sighed. He was so late... He raised his hand to knock, when two thoughts occurred. The first one being, the fact of why was he knocking on his own door. The second being he went to grab something, but didn't. "Shoot...!" He mumbled. Groaning, he put his elytra back on and took off again. Today really just wasn't his day now was it.

Quickly, he landed in front of the store with a smile. For some reason, he didn't feel bad about the trap he had set for Iskall. He didn't feel good about it either though. But again, he didn't feel bad, more like.. neutral... that was the word. He smiled and walked in. Making a mental note of all the items he would need to make this all look less suspicious, Mumbo walked around, ordering everything needed. After a short 10 minutes or so, he was ready to leave, just grabbing his last item. He impatiently leant against the wall, watching the machine. After three minutes, he lost his patience. It wasn't supposed to take this long.


He had time. So he closed his eyes. And slowly drifted into a black (xisuma)void. Slowly, he drifted asleep, not hearing the attempted to be silent footsteps of someone else entering the room, and too far asleep to hear them approaching, and too well-out to hear the breath of a person hovering over him. He woke with a jolt of pain to his gut, before he could open his eyes though, he lost consciousness, due to pain.


Iskall stayed well asleep, comforted by the feeling of warm, fuzzy blankets, and the tiny fox curled on his legs, sound asleep. It was so nice.. And probably the best sleep he'd gotten recently. He was warm, and comfortable. Despite passing out, he felt safe. He knew he was safe. He softly smiled, carefully turning onto his side and curling up slightly. He relaxed and let out a breath, and relaxed. He was safe..


Her eyes fluttered open to the sound of a sigh. Stress looked around, before realizing it was Iskall. He was slightly curled up in a kinda ball, and had a small smile on his face. His hand was gripping one of the blankets, pulling it to his chin, and the fox curled up, sound asleep on his lap. It's milk bowl was empty but it had the cutest milk mustache! Quietly, she got up to refill the bowl for the little furry. She made her way back, set the bowl down for the fox, sunk back into her chair and went to sleep.


You know those dreams where you fall out of the sky? Yeah, well that's what happened. Except this time he did fall from the sky and then he went into unconsciousness..

He jolted up in his bed and gripped his stomach as a wave of pain hit him. Doubling over, he groaned and yelped and screamed and yelled and screamed and yelped and groaned. He reached for his phone before painfully drawing back, because if he had died, he wouldn't have his stuff. And two, gripping his stomach came first right now. He curled up into an even tighter ball- when he felt something against his butt. It felt.. rectangular...? He weakly reached over and grabbed it, still in pain. It was his phone.He was just able to turn it on when another pain truck hit him even harder, a single thought in tow before he went out. How did he have his phone on him, despite him dying..?


He was asleep. It was his time to strike. He had to execute this fast and quick if he didn't want to be caught for his crimes. He grabbed the sharp object, and crept over to the sleeping man, who was softly snoring. He laughed to himself, picturing what this scene would look like after the job was done. He grabbed more of the objects he already had, just in case the original wasn't good enough. Then he grabbed the same item, but thicker. It just covered space easier. He tip toed over to the snoring acquaintance, knelt down, and hovered over him. Oh, this was gonna be fun...

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