A gap in the memory

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So I got over writers block halfway through this, so it's mixed levels of bad and terrible. ALSO WE GOT MORE GRIAN NICKNAMES! Also also, credit to terracotta_twins for the fox name. Also also also, somehow this chapter got as long as it is even tho writers block...? Also also also also, I would like to share this bit just for the anxiety of y'all! >:3

'He yelled on his way down.'



He didn't even remember the flight here. He was that tired.

Grian placed his right foot over his left and fell down, yelping on the way as his face hit the ground. He stood after a moment and groaned. He simply wanted to try and live long enough to get to his room. He placed a hand on the wall for support...... Groaning, he took another step. Suddenly, he felt dizzy almost, and didn't remember what had happened all to well.

He took another step. He was so close to the couch, he gave up on the bed, he wouldn't make it there. But the couch was close! He reached out for it. Almost there! "ACK!" He yelled as his feet tripped over a spare egg. He fell face first, and before he realized what happened.... his face felt... gooey..? He sat up on his knees and brought a hand to his face, there was egg shell bits on him. He sighed, knowing he fell on the egg.

"Why. Why why why why why why why. Why is this day becoming so baaadddd....?!" He whined. Halfway to his base his head just got all fuzzy and unfocused, and currently he felt like vomiting. He clenched his hand into fists and leaned over.


Iskall lurched upwards, his breathing heavy. He had had a bad dream, but what on? He couldn't remember.... He looked down to his shoulder, which still hurt. He smiled and laughed, quickly laying back down. The fox had simply moved and stretched, clawing him by accident. That was probably why it was clinging to his shirt, trying not to fall.

That reminded him...... he needed a fox name...

He sat the fox in his lap and sat up, reverse stroking its hair, giving it mini mow-hawks across its whole body, especially it's back. "Ya know what? Cinnamon. I'm naming ya cinnamon because. Because like cinnamon, you look sweet but probably taste bad plain. Which is why that barley over there is going to be useful!"

The fox looked at him. Iskall laughed at his own joke then looked back to the creature. "I'm just kidding! I wouldn't eat you! But I really am gonna call ya that though!" He smiled but the creature got up and walked to the edge of where the sunny side stopped and the snowy bit began. It looked at Iskall. He smiled as small bits of snow landed on the fox. "Whatcha doin' there Cinnamon...?" The fox turned and went to the edge of the dirt circle on the snowy side. It looked to Iskall then back to where the white-ish grass began. "Ok...?" 

Iskall walked over, snow quietly crunching underneath his feet. The fox looked at him, and walked under a branch Iskall wouldn't dare conquer. "Wha- Cinnamon?! Nono! Don't go!" He made an attempt at grabbing the fox, but it was already gone.


He woke up in his bed. His mind felt bubbly and fuzzy and he didn't know why. The last thing he remembered was feeling like puking, and wanting to be in his bed, asleep. No, this wasn't a dream.

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