Called, Calling, and a Caller

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Yeah here's the short one that I feel terrible about cuz it's short but I promised one didn't I?

POV: Third person

The silence was broken by a buzz. Both Mumbo and Xisuma turned to the sound. It was a phone. Grian's phone. They looked at each other. Xisuma lunged at the phone and grabbed it. Mumbo looked over Xisuma's shoulder, and stared. "Is he serious?! He DOES NOT need to be rubbing this in! He just killed me for heavens sake!" Xisuma just stared. Iskall. Iskall was calling. He hit the decline button and waited for Mumbo to calm down before he spoke. "Well that was uncalled for on both sides. Iskall doesn't need to frame him anymore and you don't need to yell." Mumbo looked at X.

"Sorry, still not sure how to feel about the fact that the guy JUST TRIED TO KILL ME!" "Calm down Mumbo." Mumbo went silent for a second. "Sorry, my other best friend tried to kill me. Yeah I'll ignore that fact." X sighed. "That's not what I mean..." Mumbo rolled his eyes. "Yeah I know, but still! Iskall! Tried to kill me!"


It was past one and Mumbo hadn't said a thing. Grian had started to worry. He knew Mumbo was awake. The reason he had left Mumbo's was because he was waking up, and that was HOURS ago! Whenever he had pulled a prank before, Mumbo had always told Grian something after.... he decided to call him. He reached for his phone, but, it wasn't there. He checked his pockets. It wasn't there. He looked around. It. Was. Nowhere.

Grian groaned. It must've fallen when he fell from the pantry......


Iskall rushed for his phone. The fox jumped up surprised, sending the phone up into the air. Iskall tried to catch the fox and phone with separate hands, but he just ended up knocking the phone away. He scrambled after it, unable to see the caller ID since it was face down. He lunged at the precious rectangular object, but right as his hands got around it, the calling page disappeared. Someone called him, but he had taken too long to answer.


Xisuma sighed and looked at Mumbo. "Yes, I understand what Iskall did Mumbo, but you mustn't act out due to his poor actions." Mumbo looked like he was about to yell, but stopped as a thought crossed him. He simply smiled at X, but a dangerous look took over his eyes. "I'm sorry Xisuma, I shouldn't have yelled." Mumbo smiled and used the same tone a kid would when they were up to something. X looked at Mumbo suspiciously, but said nothing.


Grian looked down. He was above the shopping district right now, that'd be a good place to find a person. Someone was always there. He smiled and landed perfectly in front of Sahara. He walked into the store and looked around. Nobody was there and neither Iskall or Mumbo was restocking... nobody was there... he was alone.... Grian. Was alone.


Iskall sighed, flopped down onto the ground, stretched out and laid on his back. The fox trotted over and laid on his chest. He looked at the fox. "Gosh I'm stupid...... How did I end up lost on the one day I shouldn't call anyone about my whereabouts..." Sighing, he continued his rant, "And on top of that it's the one day nobody answers me! What is happening?!" The fox twitched at the yell. "Sorry little least I have you though, I don't regret meeting you at all!"

The fox looked at Iskall and got up. It went over to his phone and nudged it. "Yes adorable one....?" It pawed it and pushed it closer. Iskall looked at the fox as it pawed it again. "It's no use, I missed the call..." Realizing something, he sat up and looked at the fox. "I missed the call....." He smiled. "You are a smart little fox I'll tell you!" He picked up the phone and looked at the fox. "If I missed the call, then it'd say who I missed the call from now wouldn't it...?" Getting a sly grin, he turned it on.

(Word Count: 794)

(So the order goes Mumbo and Xisuma, Grian, then Iskall. Just thought I'd say that. Also just to mess with y'all here's a 2-part hint. It's a basically question/hint then a hint.

Question/hint: How good is Grian's redstone?

Hint: It is and isn't Iskall. Same goes for Grian.

Yeah tell me if you think you figured that out, I'd love to see if you do! Also should I do Grians', Xisumas', Mumbos', or Iskalls' chapter next? Kinda leaning more towards Grian since it's been longest since I've done his....)

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