And then the murders began..

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Also, Italics, are thoughts as normal. Bold, is the voice in Keralis' head. It switches between the two late on because Keralis is thinking, and by thinking, he's responding to that voice. Also major hints towards the bottom, in Keralis's last POV! Lemme know if ya get it!
(it's kinda obvious I hope.. and it comes out at the very end of the chapter)


POV: Keralis/Xisuma/Third

Don't you love sleep? Well Keralis did too! Until he got a rude awakening to water on his face.

He woke with a rush of adrenaline, as the cool liquid fell upon his face and body, some going up his nose. He went to breath but swallowed instead. He lurched up and over onto his side, coughing terribly. "AHA! AHAHAHA! HAHAHAH! HA!" Bdubs fell over laughing at his friend. Keralis glared. "Really dude? Not funny!" Bdubs looked at him. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a mustached princess clown." Keralis grinned. " I meant! EVERYONE knows that mermaids need to be woken up by SEA water! No SINK water!" 

They both died laughing for a bit, before Bdubs spoke up.


The admin woke up to see a figure, shadowed and blacked out by the early rays of the rising sun. 

He groaned and sighed. Eight was way to early to be alive...

The figure turned, and walked over. It was Mumbo the-get-back-late Jumbolio. He smiled, a subtle hint of nervousness present. Xisuma made a mental note of that. 

The admin sat up and yawned, somehow still very tired. "Hey Mumbo...?"

The man looked at Xisuma and smiled, smile wrinkles subtly forming at the sides of his eyes, giving off a gentle look. "Yeah?"

Xisuma knew better than to trust that. "May I ask, where were you last night..?"

Mumbo froze. "Uhm.." 

Xisuma looked at him.. "Is there a reason you can't answer?"

Mumbo perked up. "Oh! Nono! Just-" He yawned. It looked slightly faked though.. "-Just the late night ya know? I just worked on the outside of the place last night! Probably why ya-" He yawned and stretched. Again. "-why ya didn't see me! That's all!" The admin at there for a moment. "Oh.." The mustache offered a smiled. "Yep.."

They sat in silence, Xisuma finally thinking of reasons to leave. "You're tired. I'll go get some coffee from this new place I saw alright?" Mumbo smiled. He was happy to kick X- have. Have Xisuma gone for a moment

"You sure?" 


Xisuma smiled and gave Mumbo a side hug. Then they did that thing again. The thing where one hugs the other then the other hugs one and then they say bye a bazillion times and finally one leaves.

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