Was it really...? (Alternate Ending; Happy One!)

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Happiness! <3
Here's the happy! It has a sad beginning but picks up!

POV: Everyone

The room was a mess. All the bodies lay dead an limp on the ground of this nightmarish dream. As everyone accidentally hurt themselves in an unconscious slumber, they had twisted it into their dreams. Bdubs, his face melted off. Scar with his guts showing off, blood still running out. Iskall, blood ice cold and eyes bloodshot, red marks around his neck. Stress, on top of Cub, arrow piercing her heart. Grian, completely fine looking, but dead, motionless and with no heartbeat. And Mumbo, ribs crushed as he slowly died. Keralis and his sword. Xisuma limp and bloody.

All the hermits soon hermits woke up, each to their own shocks and realization...

Mumbo yanked away his hand from the wetness, and realized, realized it was his dog. "Benji....?" The dog smiled and jumped onto Mumbo, causing the same suffocating feeling, and Mumbo realized- he didn't die. 

The whole thing, was a dream. And the suffocation was just Benji. He smiled and petted the dog. "Never again am I leaving the door unlocked." The dog licked his face and he laughed, mainly relieved it was a dream.


Grian jolted awake, yelling, only to scare Maui and Pearl off the bed. Wait- the bed..? He sat there a moment before realizing. It was a dream. It was nothing more... Maui crept over and licked his nec- Hand..? looking over he saw his hand in a fist against his neck. 


That was the neck pain he dream-died from... And the gut pain.. He looked at the cat, who was curled onto his gut. He gently pet the cat. "You realized you killed me right?" The cat purred contently. 

This is why we fear cats kids.


Stress woke to darkness and groaned. Her nose hurt. She groaned, and placed a hand onto the ground, pushing herself upright, and leaned with her back to her bed and closed her eyes, everything coming back to her and she yelped, then realized. 

It was... a dream... 

She sighed and curled up against her bed, somewhat proud of figuring it out still, but mainly relieved that it was over.


Iskall fell over and reached for his throat, finding nothing but sheet. He quickly untangled himself from his mess and leaned over. It was a dream. Dream dream dream dream DREAM DREAM DREAM! He cried out in joy. It was all a dream! He sat there with happy tears, thankful for the fact it was a dream.


Scar slowly blinked awake, and looked at the smaller pain in his side, smiling and cooing, and happily picked her up and dragged her over and closer. Saying how happy he is that she's ok. The cat looked at him and licked his face, then he paled, reached his hands- to his surprise- un-hurt side. He patted his side a few times. He froze to yawn for a second and rubbed his ey- 


He sat there a moment, processing and realizing. It was.. a dream.. it was all a dream. He jumped up and smiled, spinning him and Jellie. "It was a dream! A dream! A dream! A wonderful dream!" Smiling, he hugged the cat close.

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