Re-opening a poorly stitched wound

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"If your afraid of falling then don't look down"

-My questionable music

POV: Xisuma/Mumbo (it switches periodically....)

(Xisuma's POV)

All of a sudden, it all clicked. It wasn't Grian, it was to obvious.

Doing a double take of the redstone, X saw that it wasn't messy redstone, it was working redstone. It was just set up really complicated. Really, really complicated...
Smiling, X looked at Mumbo and got ready to completely cut him off.

"No." X quickly cut Mumbo off. Grian couldn't have done this. He wouldn't have done this. "It was not Grian, Mumbo. I know it looks like him with the sloppy redstone and-"

Now it was his turn to be cut off, but not by words. He looked at his friend, and watched as he fell to his knees, trying to keep it together.

(Mumbo's POV)

He fell to his knees. He didn't want to know this! He knew it was Grian. Every little way to obvious detail said so! And it hurt even worse that X was smiling! SMILING! Mumbo fell to his knees, hurt, sad, and betrayed.

(Xisuma's POV)

Using a much softer tone, he knelt next to Mumbo, and put a hand on his shoulder. " wasn't Grian..... if you'll let me, I'll prove it right now..." The admin offered a smile to his friend, who simply nodded and shakily stood up, to overwhelmed to do anything more. He led Mumbo over to what he was just looking at. 

(Mumbo's POV)

Mumbo simply nodded and stood. He didn't know what to say. Thoughts coursed his head, as he had a mental argument between him and himself.

"Why would Grian do this though?! They are friends!"

"Were...were friends, not anymore, he hates you, so you have to hate him..!"

"This had to be a mista-"Mumbo?"-ke! Grian was to nice!"

"There are no mistakes! This was purposefully! He WANTED -"Mumbo."- this!"

"But he-" "Mumbo!" His thought-war got interrupted. Again.

(Xisuma's POV)

Mumbo was, yet again, distracted. Maybe if he actually paid some attention, he'd realize this...

(Mumbo's POV)

Snapping out of his mental war, he turned to Xisuma, and spoke quietly."yes....?" Xisuma looked at him for a moment, then turned to a bunch of rubble. "What's so important about that? Look X, it's Grian. He did it so knock it off. How are you supposed to prove otherwise when the STRAIGHT UP FACTS say it was him?!" Mumbo's voice slowly went from sad, to an irritated half-yell. He was about to yell at X some more, when he got cut off. Again. X spoke to him quickly, as if  Mumbo should know about whatever the heck this was about.

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