When push comes to shove

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Here's a Bdubs/Keralis chapter. Try and pay attention to how they're feeling and how the others are, and any odd occurrences. And the detail. And you may just figure out the whole plot before I come up with it!

POV: Keralis/Bdubs/3rd person

He smiled and opened the door. "lAdIeS fIrsT!" Bdubs rolled his eyes with a smile and walked in, Keralis following in pursuit. Turning around to walk backwards, he smiled. "So why'd you insist on dragging me here early, and what was the rush again..?" Keralis smiled. "We. Are. Gonna. Prank. Swishwammy!" Keralis smiled widely at his friend. Bdubs smiled and laughed. "So how're we gonna do that then?" Keralis stopped for a moment and smiled.

"I dunno! I'd figured you'd have an idea Bubbles!" They both smiled. "Well I mean I don't have ideas so I don't know..?" "It's fine! We can think and wait! The meeting isn't for another whooolllee hour and a half!"

They both smiled and sat down, trying to think up some ideas.

[~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Time skip]~~~~~~~~~~~~~]

"Did you call him?"

"Yeah I did, a lot."


"More than you."

"Leave voicemails?"


"Ideas on why he isn't responding?"

"None, and it's scaring me.."

"Hey, it's ok, he may just be busy..?"

"Busy enough to ignore two voicemails, two calls and like twenty messages...?"

Bdubs frowned and hugged his friend. "Hey.. he didn't respond to me either ok..? Let's just push the meeting alright..?" Keralis just nodded. "On the bright side we have more time to come up with pranks! We didn't really come up with any sooo...." Keralis smiled. "Yeah! That works! Let's do that!!! Good idea Bubbles!!" Bdubs laughed. "Ok, you call him alright?" "Ok!" Keralis smiled and hopped off, going to call Xisuma. Instantly, Bdubs sank into a chair.

Why did he feel like this?! Why was he so mad at X?! They all knew he overworked himself and everything but he was mad at him! And he didn't know why!

"Why why why! I want to drive that man to death! I HATE him so much right now! How dare he ignore us?! We're his friends! I want to kill him so bad! UGH can't I just drive my sword through his h-" Keralis came back in, thankfully stopping his thoughts.

"Bubbles.....? Are you ok...?" He forced a smile. Hopefully it looked genuine. "Yep! Why?" "You're hurting the chair.." He looked down at realized his friend was right. He was white-knuckling the chair. "Oh..."

"Are you okay Bubbles..?"

"Yeah yeah, sorry, didn't realize it... whoops..?"

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