Normal days aren't allowed Iskall

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" it's breathing slowed."

-hope that scares y'all cuz it could mean a person

POV: Iskall

A loud snap rang out. He whipped around. Nothing. He looked around. Nothing. He looked down. He had stepped in a twig.

Still tense, Iskall continued lurking in the woods. He had been sneaking around for a while now. Today was April First. No pranks had been pulled. It was April First and Grian had done NOTHING. No pranks, nothing! And no, Grian wasn't dead. That was highly suspicious as it was. Iskall had woken up tense, and ready to be pranked, but nothing happened. He had been on alert all day, and it was near noon. NOON! By now, even the wind made Iskall jumpy. And it didn't help that clouds were low, giving Grian cover for dive-bombing. The fog was JUST receding, and small animals would randomly scurry past. And- a small figure darted from a bush. He froze, not wanting to set anything off. "H-hello...?"

He looked around carefully, but saw nothing. Nothing at all. A small flicker of a movement caught his eye. He whipped towards the movement, and drew an arrow. Nothing. Nothing was there. Another movement caught his eye, but this time, it was closer. He turned, and nothing was to be found. Another movement, another turn, and more nothing. Another movement flashed, closer this time... too close..

Yelping, he fired the arrow. He silently counted to ten before approaching. He crept forward towards the figure. "Hello...? Anyone there...?"

A bush moved and soft sound came in response.

Creeping closer, Iskall looked at the bush. He saw the arrow sticking out of a tree stump. Then he saw the figure. He laughed at his stupidity, scooped it up, and cradled it.

" wouldn't hurt me little guy now would you...?" He smiled at the fox cub, "Where's you momma little one? You seem way to young to be roaming around here by yourself now don't cha?"  It looked between three and seven months. If it was the latter, he would just be becoming independent. But still, he must have run away because foxes don't leave their parents until around ten months.

Iskall smiled at the precious creature. Then he frowned, noticing the fact that it was shaking. "Did I scare ya? I'm sorry about that.....I didn't know it was you! I'd never hurt something as adorable as you! You little bundle of adorableness!" He smiled again at the creature, and it slowly stopped shaking. Then it squirmed around, so its front paws were on Iskall's chest and it's hind legs were on his arms. "Whatcha doin there little one..?" Iskall smiled. The fox licked his cheek. "Awww...."

He looked at the tiny creature. "Let's go find your momma ok?" The fox licked his cheek again, pulled his front paws off of Iskall, curled up in his arms, nuzzled his inner elbow, and went to sleep.

He looked down at the small creature, as it's breathing slowed. He smiled at the peacefulness of it. He gently kissed the top of it's head, not wanting to wake it. It moved a little, curling up even tighter. Smiling, Iskall slowly and carefully walked around the area, looking for something that'd help him find the parent of this tiny creature. He followed some barely visible tiny paw prints for about ten minutes straight before they completely faded. He looked at the small creature, still in his arms. It slowly blinked, and looked up at him. It let out the most adorable, lovable, quietest yawn ever, and looked directly at Iskall. He smiled at the creature. It looked over his arm, towards the ground as if it was wanting down. Iskall understood this and set it down.

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