The meeting

221 12 16

Watch out for the fOrESHadOwInG
Lemme know whatcha think it is when ya get to itttt because it be spoiler I've already spoiled

POV: Third/Everyone, but without a direct and long term switch

Grian sat up, feeling oddly fine, a small compelling feeling to check his phone. He did. Right as it turned on, a message from Xisuma blinked through. He clicked it.


"Hey look I need to use your infinity room, that alright?"

"Sure why?"

"You'll see"

He turned off his phone. That was good enough.


As it all came together, Xisuma let out a breath. If only he could keep the murder out of question, and explain it all before it got to late. This would make or break Hermitcraft as he knew it. If it worked, great! If it failed... Well the three most major businesses would be knives to throats. And not the others business peoples' necks either, their business partners throats. And then the blackmail to team would drive in. And someone would bribe someone with money and-

Xisuma shook his head, shutting down his spiral. Quickly snatching his phone, the admin quickly messaged Grian.


"Hey look I need to use your infinity room, that alright?"

"Sure why?"

"You'll see"

He quickly switched over messages, and messaged Mumbo, Grian, Iskall, Cub, Scar, Bdubs, AND Keralis, each message saying the same thing.

"Meet me in Grians' infinity room. It's important, don't mind anyone else. Come at 1."

He quickly sped up his pace, hurrying to the room. Once he got there, he already found the chairs and table set up. Odd.... He shrugged the feeling away, tidying up, waiting for the moment. Again, would either make or break Hermitcraft and everyone here as they knew it. It would be much worse than a war. If it didn't go as planned, well he'd have ConCorp, Sahara,-- and based on Keralis' behavior,-- Idea all in a war. And everyone would be bloodthirsty but starting off innocent, and he hoped he could keep it like that.

Soon enough, everyone had arrived, with Grian, Stress, And Iskall all side by side and mildly confused. Cub and Scar were at opposite ends, and Mumbo Seemed to be trying to kill Iskall with Glares. While Xisuma himself could feel Keralis and Bdubs staring daggers at his back.

He wisely turned so he could see them too.

Clearing his throat, he announced, "Okay, so we all are here for a reason. Scar and Cub, Mumbo, Grian, and Iskall, I have a feeling Keralis Bdubs and I, then Stress who knows a lot of The Architects problems and is a witness. Before we begin is there anything-" Mumbo interrupted him by jumping up and yelling. "YES! Iskall slaughtering me and setting me on FIRE!" Iskall threw his hands up. "Woah there! I'm innocent! I've been lost nearly all day!" Mumbo snorted. "Yeah, nEarLY!"

X sighed and looked at Mumbo. "Iskall IS innocent Mum-" "NO HE ISN'T!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Xisuma noticed the ConCorp men stirring up more tension. This hadn't gone as planned...

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