The End Of It All (Alternate Ending; Angsty/Sad One)

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Here's the sad one...
LOOK! If you don't want to read this or whatnot, please don't! It doesn't mess with me or anything if you'd rather just be with the happier version! There is some death so there's that and if you don't want that then please just don't read it or feel like you must!

POV: Everyone

The dead hermits bodies lay there. This was the real world, not some dream. You don't respawn in this world, the real world..

He lay there, his face pale and half off the bed, eyes red and mouth open in a scream, his dog, Benji rapidly licking his face and hand, whining and whimpering for his owner to wake up- though, he never would..

He lay there, arm awkwardly bent and throat pushed to his fist. They say people who move in their sleep hurt others. They also hurt themselves. There he lay, in a mid-panic, all that could've been avoided if he just calmed down. And maybe, just maybe he wouldn't have punched himself to death..

She lay there, in a crashed mess of nightstand, one of the nails driven through her chest, blood still fresh and coming. If only she had stayed still..

He lay there, tangled in blankets, and against the bed, hung sitting upright. They say to tuck in your sheets. Sadly, he tucked his to tight, and when he thrashed, he simply got tangled, moved more, fell off, and accidentally bed-sheet hung himself. I guess the monster under the bed will have a snack then..

He lay there, bleeding, his cat meowing loudly at her owner. She had just tried to paw him because she was getting comfy... When he felt some pain and grabbed his side, pressing her claws into him. She tried pulling away, but just popped a vein, and left small but rapidly bleeding and bloody claw marks. So she tried to lick them, only to have her teeth sunk down into the humans skin. She curled up into his arms as he died..

He lay there, boiling tea on his face. Unluckily, the man fell asleep drinking some Camille tea in a metal container. Luckily, he was a still sleeper. Unluckily, he had a nightmare and moved. Luckily, his death was sorta quick. Unluckily, he died due to lack of oxygen.

He lay there, not killed from something in his sleep, but dying. After months of overworking himself and denial of daily and basic needs his body had given up. That little dream stunt was all it took for it to start. He woke up and fell down, regretting so so so so so much. He let his eyes droop and took his final breath..

He lay there, and stilled. People died randomly all the time, and tome was random. But sometimes all it took was a small loose screw to collapse a bed, and be suffocated and stabbed. Random. Right..

He lay there, not moving. Then he jolted up, eyes wide and his body processing. He put his hands to his chest, and went limp with relief at nothing being there. He looked around his room and muttered. "It was all a dream..." Then it hit him. It was all a dream. Every. Single. Bit. A. Dream. That's how he did that teleport stuff... and the voice.. He took a moment before realizing it was himself sleep talking. He fell backwards and sighed, before realizing yet another fact.

The others.

Were they...?

They weren't....



Could they...?

He had a feeling they weren't. He messaged them all and got no response. At first he was worried... but then he remembered, that. The murderous, angry, despising feeling. And suddenly, he didn't think that the others' dying was bad. He smiled. It only gave him eight less hermits to rid this world of anyways..

(Word Count: 682)

(Hey! So.. Uh! Well... y'all wanted it... Here.. I don't have any opinions right now so I'll just excuse myself from this is that's ok with y'all..)

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