I'm sorry WHAT now?!

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Thanks due to a previous chapter I have developed a craving for a raspberry-lemon moofin. It has no relation whatsoever except for lemon. I'd ask if I've lost it but I did awhile ago. Is it just me or did annnyyoonneee else get a craving???

POV: Scar

Scar laughed manically. (Okok, we're gettin off with a good start hereeee....)

He rubbed his hands together as the liquid fell in drops to the floor. Jellie sat there watching this play out. Scar laughed and cackled.


Jellie walked over and bit part of the cake.

"Jellie! Nono baby! If you want a cake I'll make one just for you! This one is meant for ConCorp baby girl! It's not perfect enough for you!"

He picked her up like a baby and cuddled her, and started speaking in a baby voice.

"Awww, but nothing is perfect enough for you, cuz YOUR perfect!"

She smiled, swatted his nose, then stood with her hind legs on his arms and licked his face. He smiled and laughed. "Okok! I'm sorry! I've not told you the hourly 50 times that you're perfect and I love you!! Because you ARE perfect and I love you!!"

The cat jumped from his arms, sat on the counter, and listened as she was showered with compliments and hugs and kisses from her human.

Scar looked at her and smiled. "Now, I need to replace all of the cakes with this..... special.... one.."

He smiled, and filled up a water balloon. He set it down on the counter, and removed the top of the triple layered cake. He made sure each layer a solid 2 inches high, with the first layer was the biggest, the rest of the layers progressively getting smaller, similar style to a wedding cake. He had made a red velvet/lemon-raspberry/vanilla cake, with the sides a light, baby blue color, and the excess edges of all layers having white frosting-styles swirls..

He took a knife and cut a hole into the center. Then he put in a spatula, and pulled the second and third middle sections out. He set the cake insides down on a tray. It was still edible even if it was disassembled! He looked to the water balloon and reached for it, but the kitty beat him to it.

Jellie leaped over and swatted the balloon off the counter. She jumped down after it right as it exploded, showering her with water, and getting some on Scar. She hissed, and jumped up, latching her claws onto the side of her owner. "Ack! Aye! Oww! Jellie! Baby! Why'd ya do that????" The cat looked at him. "Ohh it's alright! I can't stay-" He pried her off him and held her out- "mad at chu forever! Not with that adorable face a least!" The cat licked his nose and he set her down. "Let's try that again shall we?" He grabbed another balloon, and filled it with water, this time, not setting it down. he carefully placed it inside the cake, and set the top layer back on. He smiled, and looked at Jellie. She continued staring at the cake insides, licking her lips. He laughed and put on the finishing touch- the ConCorp logo.

Taking a step back, he beamed with joy. It was sad, almost, that something this good looking had to go away...... Jellie walked over. "Hey girlie! Like the cake?" The cat meowed and sat next to the inside part he had to take out. "Jellie! Your a genius! This is why I need you here! I mean also was hoping your perfectness would rub off..... but then that'd be too much perfect in a room!"

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