Blood red rose

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"Once, it was beautiful, but a simple mistake turned it to something else, something covered in blood."

Don't worry! Thee neeeexxxxttt chapter a new character will be introduced. Ima have some good times writing this character! Also the iskall fox POV is at the end if ya wanna skip to that, but uhhhh it's not exactly what you may think at first...

POV: Mumbo

Mumbo watched as Xisuma crossed his arms impatiently. They had been waiting for Stress for about half an hour now and X was getting impatient. Luckily, Mumbo himself had a lot of patience due to failed redstone and careful work. After a moment, his friend turned to him.

"Do you know what's taking her so long?"

Mumbo paused for a moment, trying to come up with an idea. "No idea ... sidetracked maybe ....?"

"Good point, but with what though?"

He shrugged. "Again. No idea."

"Strange ...."

It was strange that Stress wasn't here. They'd even gotten so  bored they cleaned a little. Cleaned!  Not like dusting and sweeping no, putting stuff back and repairing and making things look nicer.

Mumbo looked at X, who had a slight smile, and was looking around, just noticeably pleased with himself.

Mumbo smiled, and let the silence become a shield for his thoughts. He was still wondering why Iskall had done what he had done though. And why did it have to be Iskall! And why him???? He hadn't done anything to Iskall! ....right....? Had he screwed up maybe...? Maybe he missed too many meetings? Or didn't spend enough time with him? Or messed up somehow?? No! He hadn't done anything! He did spend time with his friends and he showed up to the last meeting, even if he was a little bit late he still showed! So why him! Why why why why why why WHY! Why Mumbo?! What did he do?! He tried to be a good friend and all! If Iskall wanted to play this game, then he. was. on.

It took him a moment to notice X, his friend, was walking over with something rolled up.

"Mumbo ..?"

"Hmm ...?"

"Can you explain something for me please?"

"Yeah, of course! What is it?" Mumbo smiled, maybe this was a redstone question!

"This .." Xisuma un-rolled the blueprint, and held it out to Mumbo, clear as day. "Why on earth do you have such precise sketches and diagrams of Grian's base ....? I mean I understand it's April Fools and you could've used them for a prank but this is kinda crazy...."

Mumbo froze for a second, eye wide. He had worked hard on that.... it was supposed to be a secret! He was going to use the diagram for a prank, but nobody was supposed to know so Grian wouldn't know who to get revenge on! 

 "Uhm .... it was for a p-prank .... I- I was gonna have his w-whole base flooded with potatoes ...... t-that's why its so precise and all the detail ..... "

Xisuma eyed him suspiciously. "Uh huh .... but-" Mumbo quickly grabbed the blueprints and rolled them up. "It's nothing. Just ignore it ok?" He didn't realize his slightly edgy tone until after he spoke. Luckily, Xisuma backed off. "Ok, sorry. I shouldn't have nosed around.." Recovering, he and smiled at his friend, thankful and relieved. "Erm nono your fine... heh.."

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