The other side(s) of the story

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POV: Grian/Iskall/Xisuma and Mumbo

Grian smiled. Him and Stress had done a pretty good job of pranking. But still. The thought that he hadn't seen Iskall nor Mumbo all day nagged at him from the depths of his mind. That and the odd feeling of him missing something... His thoughts were interrupted.

Stress looked to Grian. "Ok! I think that's it! We've got it all!"

He smiled. "Agreed.... I just feel like I'm forgetting something though...."

She looked at him. "Well I think we got everything..... so I dunno what your forgettin'..."

After a moment of silent debate, Grian decided he could ask Stress about his Iskall/Mumbo issue. He looked to her. "Have you seen Iskall or Mumbo lately....?"

It took her a second to respond. "Uhhh no... why?"

"Huh." Grian responded, slightly suspicious, not of Stress, just in general. This was all just so...odd..."I haven't seen them either..... I'll call the-" He stopped mid-sentence, winning an odd look from Stress. "What?" She spoke curiously.

"That's what I forgot. My phone. I keep getting distracted with well....... everything...?" Grian half smiled and laughed at his stupidity, Stress laughing along.

"Well where is it then?" She asked.

After thinking for a second, he remembered. "Uhhhh.. oh yeah! I was pranking Mumbo when it fell outta my pocket when I fell from the pantry!"

She looked at him and let out one of those exasperated yet humored sighs and shook her head. "Grian. Did you just say you fell from the pantry...?"

Smiling sheepishly, he replied with a childish "Yep!" They both laughed.

Stress looked at him. "Kay! Ok! You go retrieve your phone ok? And say hi to Mumbo for me ok?"

Grian smiled. "Ok! Will do! I'll cya later Stress!"

She smiled back. "Ok! See you 'round!" He smiled and took off.



He had missed a call. From Stress.

Immediately, he called her back. Glancing at the fox, he silently prayed that she'd pick up. She did.

"Iskall??" She sounded slightly worried...

Iskall looked to the fox in relief."Yeah, it's Iskall."

"Oh thank gosh! Nobody has seen you all day! Where were you- no where ARE you??"

"Yeah ummm about that....." He paused for a second, trying to figure out how to explain. "I'm well......I'm kinda lost in the woods.....and nobody has been answering all...." A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, despite nobody actually being there, it was still nice to talk to someone.

"ISKALL! Why didn't you call me?!"

He looked at the fox, which tilted its' head. He smiled at the creature. It licked its red-stained lips."Well uh....I found a fox and this place and well I got distracted eating berries...?"

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