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-grians redstone failed and the missed/dodged eggs screwed it up

-everything else

-stress sidetracked

-mumbos revenge

-the glass at sahara

-scars prank ---------->>>>> cub gets revenge

-as revenge cub swaps out "Jellie" for "Gellie"

CONCORP AND SAHARA BOIS IN A WAR-------- idea guys tooo...??? ---->NO IDEA GUYS WAR


-Xisuma, grian, and and stress just feel fuzzy. Bdubs and Keralis both go insane at X, keralis more than Bdubs. Bdubs can't control it, but the little voice telling Keralis to stop is actually Keralis's own voice telling him not to, because this is all a dream.

-when Xisuma brings the sahara guys and the ConCorp guys Iskall claims innocent, so Mumbo rages at him for killing him, X brings up that mumbo isn't innocent either, mumbo argues against this so x asks him where he went after sahara, and mumbo says back to his base, stress then brings up that when she went there neither of the two were there. Mumbo questions X on where he was and x says he was watching Mumbo trap Sahara. Mumbo yells at him for stalking and X says that he wouldn't of had to if mumbo wasn't being so suspicious, and pulls out grians phone, showing the texts mumbo sent to grian saying to avoid sahara. Mumbo argues that could've been---he turns his attention to iskall--- ISKALL KILLING HIM!

-then mumbo shows off the glass in front of sahara photos. Iskall says that he hadn't done anything all day. Stress comes to his aid and says she called him and he said he was. Scar snaps, bursts out, and yells out the fact that nobody has brought up the fact his cat was killed. Cub snaps and yells at scar for killing him. Scar yells that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Stress sits in the corner silently watching this play out.

-Mumbo jumps up and starts yelling about how everyone is killing everyone, then he turns to grian and yells at iskall for framing grian

-Grian looks between mumbo and iskall, still shocked from the news and in denial of it; iskall and mumbo start yelling, cub and scar start yelling, and X tries to calm them both

-Stress pulls grian over and starts telling him everything she knew about this, then mumbo and iskalls fight turns to mumbo and x fighting, so stress pulls iskall into the convo.

-they discuss how grian DID prank mumbo, but nothing more, that iskall really WAS lost, and then stress mentioned how grian didn't have his phone, grian confirms this, then stress points out something. Grian isn't the best at redstone and it is possible to fail- no offense grian- none taken. Then she points out how iskall was lost all day therefore proving him innocent. Iskall confirms being lost.

-she then comes to a conclusion. Grian's redstone simply went wrong, killing Mumbo. The glass thing was one of grian's pranks that backfired onto grian. Both iskall and grian are innocent, and the rest and everything else was just Mumbo and cub and scar going revenge crazy.

-grian starts sobbing out of nowhere, shushing everyone and drawing everybody attention, he starts saying how it's his fault but before he can explain bdubs and keralis burst in yelling at X for ignoring them bc they really needed his help. X tells them that he was trying to keep mumbo and iskall in check from their craziness then mumbo and iskall interrupt yelling at everyone. Scar yells louder and over everyone that nobody is caring that jellie was killed. he yells then kills cub with his sword. Keralis jumps up, and yells at Xisuma, then kills Xisuma. Everyone wakes up how they did when that day started, meaning it was all a dream.

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