Roses are red and mustaches are suspicious

375 17 13

POV: Xisuma

Xisuma crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. What was keeping Stress so long?! It had been what now... 30 minutes..? It shouldn't take that long for a SINGLE trip! He turned to Mumbo.

"Do you know what's taking her so long?"

Mumbo paused for a second. "No idea... sidetracked maybe....?"

"Good point, but with what though?"

Shrugging, he responded, "Again. No idea."


The admin looked around. The place looked slightly better...  They didn't bother with the dust, but they had attempted to put some stuff back and repair the floor a little... 

Something caught his eye. It was half-hidden, in a corner, and behind a bunch of other papers.

 Walking closer, he kept his focus on the one paper, but took in more detail of the small scene. It was just a bunch of blueprints for why did this one specific one stand out....?

Leaning down, he picked up the blueprint and fully opened it. Another attached paper unfolded from the back and hung onto the bottom of the first sheet. Both had corners that were partly burned off, with parts charred at the edges, and covered with smudges and wrinkles. 

Then he looked over the design. He did a double take of it, running his finger over the sketches and the fine detail. This must've taken time and lots of focus. Careful precision and math.

 He rolled it up and walked over to Mumbo.



"Can you explain something for me please?"

"Yeah, of course! What is it?" The engineer smiled, happy to explain anything really.

"This.." Xisuma un-rolled the blueprint, and held it out to Mumbo, clear as day. "Why on earth do you have such precise sketches and diagrams of Grian's base....? I mean I understand it's April Fools and you could've used them for a prank but this is kinda crazy...."

Mumbo froze for a second, eye wide. "Uhm.... it was for a p-prank.... I-I was gonna have his w-whole base flooded with potatoes...... t-that's why its so precise and all the detail....."

Xisuma eyes his suspiciously. "Uh huh.... but-" Mumbo grabbed the blueprints and rolled them up. "It's nothing. Just ignore it ok?"  This only made Xisuma even more suspicious, but he decided against pressing, for it'd only make it worse. "Ok, sorry. I shouldn't have nosed around.." Mumbo recovered and smiled, "Erm nono your fine...heh.."

They both stood in an awkward silence so thick you could probably walk into the room, feel suffocated, cut of nice slice of awkward, and walk out with enough awkward to fill you up for the week. 

Although, while Xisuma's silence was open and nervous, something about Mumbo's silence seemed off. Like he was thinking about something..

"Mumbo....?" X got no response. "Mumbo?" The helmeted man snapped his fingers in front of Mumbo's face. He jumped and looked at Xisuma. "HUH?! What- yeah?!" The admin arched an eyebrow. "You ok?" Mumbo nervously scratched the side of his arm. "Uhm yeah yeah, yeah I'm all good here! Nothin' wrong! All good!" Mumbo gave X a nervous, semi-twitchy smile.

X looked him up and down. "Nothing, just makin' sure your ok..... you spaced out right there.." Mumbo shook his head and smiled. "Nono, I'm ok...... just uhh thinkin'...." X looked over Mumbo's face for any signs for anything. He couldn't find anything. "Well uhm, mind telling me what you were thinking about..?" 

Mumbo hesitated for just a half second. It was subtle and hard to notice, but X did notice it. Why would he hesitate? The admin didn't know. But he did know something was going on. Hesitation was used for hiding something. "So what did Mumbo have to hide...?" Pushing the thoughts aside, Xisuma listened to Mumbo's answer. "Oh uhm, just what I may need to fix this mess that's all...."

Xisuma smiled. "Oh, that's smart." Mumbo nodded. "Would you mind if uh I went to Sahara to get some stuff..? Since Stress is taking a bit of a while and all...?" Xisuma thought for a moment. This was his chance. He could follow Mumbo, but he could also snoop around a without Mumbo stopping him. He clapped his hands together and smiled. "Of course you can Mumbo! I'll just be here waiting ok?" Mumbo looked slightly shocked, but hid it well. "Oh, ok thank you Xisuma!" 

X smiled. "Anything for my dear friend!" Mumbo matched the smile. "Why thanks! It's nice to have friends you can trust! Like how I know I can trust you my dear friend!" X nodded and smiled more, and played along with this game of "smile" he'd apparently started. "Well, off you go then!" Mumbo nodded and held his arms out, hugging Xisuma. Xisuma hugged him back. "Anyways, I'd better get going X! I'll be back in a jif!" With that, Mumbo had slipped out and left.

Xisuma thought over the conversation. "Oh my gosh what just happened? He had smiled and clapped his hands together like some criminal! Then Mumbo got all smiley and huggy! And what the literal heck?! What WAS that?!" The admin pushed his thoughts to the corner of his mind, letting them grow but not really bothering for them. 

"Whatever I'll just look around..." 

Xisuma walked around a bit. There wasn't anything interesting. At all. "Maybe there's something worth finding in the back......" X smiled, proud of his thought. He walked towards the back, in hope of something worth it.

(Word Count: 989)

(Yeah i got kinda carried away and all that but ima introduce another character soon!! Cuz why not! Also i got an idea rush so either its gonna be spam chapters or really long ones. Probably a mix of both! And if ya want someones POV let me know. I have the next few chapters planned but if there's a request or something i'd be happy to cram it in! ALso italic stuff is thoughts just an FYI)

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