Frozen seams

210 9 22

Was gonna post yesterday. Didn't feel like writing it. My apologizessss!

POV: Stress

She sighed as she stumbled into her secret castle. It was probably her favorite build, not for the reason of design, but of peace. Everyone knew everything about everyone else and their builds and it could get well... overbearing.. at times. Like you'd go to a build for some peace, but someone would find you because they needed you for something and they knew where your builds are and which you preferred and everything and it was to much for her every now and then. She had made it with multiple watchtowers so things were easier to see. And the many rooms for echoes and anything she dire. It was nice to have a place to escape to, even if it was for a small bit, it was still nice. She loved all the hermits, don't get me wrong, but she wouldn't complain or argue if they all simultaneously decided to leave her alone for the day every now and again.

She sighed, relaxed and sunk down into a chair, watching the ice-place flickers with ice. The icicles glimmered and small bits of snow, acting as ash found they're way to the ground. Ok, so maybe she liked the design too. It was a small mix of ice and concrete, allowing things like fire and heat without worry of melting. Mumbo could keep his redstone skills. She had ice that shan't melt. 

Right as she closed her eyes, she heard a small noise. A muffled noise. She turned, hoping it was the wind. It wasn't. She groaned. She got up, walked into her room, changed into some beat up jeans, a maroon colored t-shirt, and a grey sweatshirt, and half tied up her hair, letting the bottom half, loose strands, and bits she missed hang down. She walked out, made some tea and curled back up into the couch. She lightly smiled and sighed, sipping some tea and enjoying the silen- A muffled sound. Again. She groaned, set the tea down, got up and bounded up to the window and looked out. At first, she didn't see anything. At first. Then she yelped and bounded to the door. This couldn't be happening!

She yanked open the door, right as he fell into her, unconscious and freezing. "Ohhhh no... oh nonononono...!! Nonono! Oh. My. Gosh. NO!"  She grumbled/yelled as she very well did a mix of dragging and carrying the knocked out man. Pulling him over to the couch, she felt his pulse. It was low from the cold, not lethal low, but still low. She quickly hurried off, coming back over to drape some blankets over him, and felt his head. He was cold. She was about to try and wake him when she noticed something. 

Something small. 

Something small and furry.

It peeked up at her, shivering slightly and yipped. Instantly, she scooped it up, cradling it like a baby, cooing over every bit of it and its fluffiness. It snuggled up in her arms and she gently fluffed its fur. She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a small container, poured some milk, walked over to Iskall, and set the fox down on a fluffy blanket next to the unconscious man. She gently set the milk next to the fox, in which who drank it up, and went to sleep. She smiled before returning to the task prior.

She leant over, and felt Iskalls' head. He was getting better, and was breathing normally again. That was a relief. She sighed, pulled over a chair, sunk back, and waited.

(Word Count: 700)

(Ok look. I know this is like two days late and evverrryytthiinnggg but I didn't have the will. As you can tell I'm pretty good at procrastinating! aNywAYs! So how's life going for y'all? Idk felt like I should ask. So again, how's life? I want a brownie, uhm and orange juice and chocolate taste good together, prime time for falling asleep is no sooner than 11pm, and waking no later than 6-6:30am ish, uhmm I've had stupid energy bursts and yeah. Also music. That's a blessing. Happy torture! Also this wasn't proof read so uhm yeah..)

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