A new piece of information

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'The heck.....' Thought Xisuma as he watched Keralis walking away, mentally going through their very strange one sided conversation. Then it hit him.

Cub. Scar. Jellie. Dead. Coffee.

A few more thoughts then followed the last one.

Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. COFFEE. COFFFFEEE.

He quickly grabbed the coffee and took off towards Mumbos'. He quickly walked in and looked around. He ran over to Mumbo, who was working on fixing one of the last bits of the place. "Mumbo!" He turned and smiled. "Oh, hey X!" X smiled and quickly shoved the coffee at him. "Uh huh! Yeah ok message if something happens gotta run okay cya bye!" He quickly hurried out, leaving a clueless Mumbo.

First place he visited was Scars'. He knocked, and waited. Nothing. He quickly sent Scar a message, but got nothing. So he went to Cub. He knocked, and right before he left, a messy and dissolved Cub answer. "Hey X! Uhm whatcha doin' 'round here?" Cub stepped aside, and X quietly came in, then turned to Cub. He needed to play this right. "Ya know, I'm just walking around, checking up on people! So is everything ok with ya?" Well. That failed. Cub smiled. "Erm no... What about you?" He shook his head. "Nothing, nothing.."

They stood there again, Cub eyeing X, and X eyeing Cub. Both men seemed to know the other was up to something, both men trying to figure out what. Soon enough, our dear friend, awkwardness had returned, this time not just for a meal and dessert, but a full on buffet!

See kids, don't put to smart and stubborn men in the same room, both with secrets the other wanted. It's not fun.

Clearing his throat, Xisuma broke the silence. "Well erm... I believe I need to go check on the others if that's....?" Cub rapidly nodded. "Oh yeah! Yeah yeah yeah go for it cya dude!"

In a blur of motions, Xisuma was leaving and the door was closing but right before it was completely closed he could've sworn he saw blood on Cubs shirt.....

After a short time, he felt his phone go off. It was Scar!


"Hey Scar!"



"sry just dealing w/stuff"

"U ok?"

"i cant see the screen my eyes r that watery."

"I heard about jellie, where are you"




Xisuma sighed, and quickly made his way towards ConCorp. When he walked in he froze for a moment. There was a smashed cake, blood and cat all over the place, and Scar was crying, holding Jellie. "Oh Scar..."


Scar whipped around only to be met by Xisuma. He looked up at the admin, who quietly sat down next to him. He held out the cat and the other gently drew circles on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Scar.." Xisuma gently hugged Scar, who latched on, tears coming down again. "I-I miss her...." "I know you do Scar, I know..."

A not so funny April Fools [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now