Some stress for Stress who's apparently kinda stressed

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Wonder how many more "stress" i could put in....? "Some stress for a Stressed Stress who's handing out some stressful stress" Too long.....?

POV: Stress

Stress smiled as she left the shopping district. She'd had a fun time pranking the stores and looking at all the window marks Grian had left.


Something was off..

The whole time neither Mumbo nor Iskall had popped up. At all. And Grian, Iskall and Mumbo were friends! It'd only be normal for them to mess with eachother! But no! Grian had told her in person that. He had told her that he hadn't seen his friends all day, and they hadn't pulled anything, said anything, or even done anything.

She had found this quite odd....

She hadn't seen Iskall or Mumbo either...

She decided to call Iskall.

She waited.......waited.......she waited some moreeeeee......................

The page disappeared, having due Iskall not answering. Stress sighed.

"Of course he doesn't answer. This day. Just keeps getting more. and more. annnnnnd more suspicious...I mean for all I know they could be dea-"

Nope. She quickly swatted that thought aside. She decided to call X. He's the admin after all so he'd probably know. Smiling, she got ready to click the call button when her phone vibrated. Then a calling page appeared. It was Iskall. Immediately, she picked up.


"Yeah, it's Iskall."

"Oh thank gosh! Nobody has seen you all day! Where were you- no where ARE you??"

"Yeah ummm about that....." He paused for a second "I'm well......I'm kinda lost in the woods.....and nobody has been answering all...."

"ISKALL! Why didn't you call me?!"

"Well uh....I found a fox and this place and well I got distracted eating berries...?"

That got Stresses attention."Ooh! What color?? Was it tasty?? "

"Uhhhh it was red and they're amazing. And they're in this cool place and—that's right. I'm lost."

"Oh yeah!! Sorry! Ok, so why are you still lost?"

"Well I was sneaking around trying to avoid Grian because it's April First right? So this fox scares me and it's small so I try and help it find it's family but I get lost and....."

Stress listened patiently as Iskall spent the next few minutes explaining his whole day and how he got lost and ended up where he is now.

"Ok....... well I was just with Grian....he said something about.....nvm..." She paused for a second. "Well uhm he said he hadn't heard from you all day.. so I mean that's kinda odd.."

"I called him tho...."

"Yeah  yeah I know.... umm just trust me when I say he wasn't able to answer ok..?"

"Uh ok...?"

"Ok, I'll call X ok?"

"Ok, thanks!"

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