Adding fire to a flame

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(Also credit to @justhereforthehermit for the revenge idea!)
(Just a side note the revenge idea starts here but it really kicks off in the next chapter or two. So nothing much happens but I'm still giving credit here too because it does take place here)

POV: Cub/A little bit of Scar/Xisuma/Mumbo/and a surprise character! You guess who it is!



He jolted up, gasping. His lungs burned and his throat hurt like heck. He thrashed over to the side of the bed, leaning half off it in a vomiting position.

He stay there for a few minutes that felt as hours would years. Finally he calmed down and staggered out of his room. He collapsed into his couch and thought over what had happened. He remembered Scar messaging him........ about a cake...... then going to ConCorp........ and a cake..... the cake Scar made... the one that killed him..... Scar had tried to kill him..... Scar had killed him! His best friend! Tears formed in his eyes and he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to hold in sobs. His best friend, his buddy, the person who was always there for him..... had killed him.... He fell to his side, curling up and crying.

Awhile passed, but the sadness turned to anger. A burning anger. A vengeful anger. A hurting, hating, thriving anger. He sat up, wiping away his tears, slipped on his elytra and took off.



Scar sighed. Stress had left a forever fifteen minutes ago and he couldn't find Jellie! He thought back a little... He had just saw her right before Stress came...... that's right! She jumped off so Stress came to help!

He groaned and starting looking around his base, in hopes she came back.

----------------------(Surprise character, y'all are gonna love it I think! Tell me if you do!)


Jellie jumped off her human. She wanted that cake soooo bad! It was sooo good! Scar always made good cakes! She jolted off, meowing in promise to come back. She darted away, towards the big cake place.

Once she got there, she nudged the door open with her head and looked in. Her eyes went huge. A big..... beautiful cake was on the table..... she walked over but realized it was the one her human made. The cold squishy ball one. Meowing, she got ready to walk out, when she heard something. Footsteps. She skidded into the corner, scared. She fluffed up and got ready to run when a man walked in. It was the guy who her human was friends with!

She began to walk over to see if she could get some pets, but he didn't notice her. Instead, he walked over to the cake, and began to cut it. She skitted away, knowing what would happen, and it did. The cake exploded and she hissed from the noise. She saw the man, Cub, start coughing for some reason. Then he fell down. She ran over to him, but he went poof and disappeared.

Jellie frantically ran around, high pitched meowing, trying to find the man who also gave her pets. He never came. She went back to the cake. The big red thingy was a big flat thingy now, and the small cake circles (crumbs) were everywhere..... especially in a corner...

The fluff-ball marched over and sat down, beginning to nibble on some cake. Finally, someone arrived! It was the Cub guy!


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