Cake is sweet, and revenge ain't bitter

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Also credit to @justhereforthehermit for the revenge idea. I know I mentioned it last time but it started there, and it really kicks off here. As to prove my point here's a line.

"A life for a life Scar..."


POV: Cub/Scar

Cub grinned and held up his prize. He had found what he had been looking for. He cackled as put it in a cage. Grinning, he hooked the cake to some ropes, suspending it into the air. He set the Jellie 2.0 on the table after releasing it. He fed it some warm milk and wet food, stroking it's fur until it went to sleep.

Slowly, he crept away from the creature, and checked the ropes and hooks. He smiled. They were ready and completely unsturdy. Grinning he made sure the cat was asleep before messaging Scar.


"Hey Scar!"


"I got the cake"


"u got it?"





"calm the heck down Im not gonna kill u"


"Still. Ur fine."

"Ur up to something"


"I am"

"I'm de-trapping ConCorp thanks to Grian."



"Well! Need help then?"

"Uhm sure I guess! You don't gotta come tho if Ur busy"

"I'm not, just looking for the queen, maybe she's there"

"Be there in 10"

"Ok, good luck, cya!"


Cub grinned as he turned off his phone. This was going to be awesome. He double checked his escape and the wires. Still both were all good. Silently, he paced the room waiting for his frien-. No. His enemy. Waiting for his enemy. As fate would dire, not to long after he heard footsteps.



"Over here!"

Scar rounded the corner, smiling. "Hey Cub!" Cub smiled. "Why hello scar!" "Soooo! Whatcha needin' help with?" Immediately Cub's smiled turned to a sneer. "Do you know what you did Scar?" Scar took a step back, only to have Cub take a step right. Scar took a step left, Cub took one right. Slowly, Cub had backed Scar into a wall, facing the Jellie. Scars eyes went wide. "Is that Jellie?!!"

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