How do you explain a human torch?

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"Then he noticed Mumbo was on fire. That was a first."

POV: Xisuma

  X smiled. He took a deep breath in, enjoying the fresh air, and peacefulness of the early morning. Today just might be a normal day. Sure, nobody had said anything about any prank though, which is quite odd, but hey, he wasn't complaining!

Annnnnnnnddd then he looked up. Then the regret came rolling in, or, falling in, so to speak. 

Looking up, he saw Mumbo free-falling from the sky. He stood for a moment, slightly surprised, but mainly not. Then he noticed Mumbo was on fire. That was a first. 

  He started running to catch him, but made it to late, as Mumbo fell right in front of him, dying before he hit ground. Quickly grabbing all of Mumbo's items, Xisuma hurried to Mumbo's base, only to find a section of it blown to bits, random-ish redstone pieces, and no sight of Mumbo, meaning he re-spawned somewhere else. 

The regret of looking up just got bigger. 

  Quickly hurrying around, Xisuma eventually found Mumbo, lying in the middle of nowhere, and in clear pain.

  Landing, he immediately fired questions at Mumbo. "MUMBO!! My goodness! What happened? Are you okay? You just went flying from the sky-and you- fire!- elytra-..!?"  Xisuma couldn't speak  fast enough, but luckily he didn't have to.

  Barely able to speak, his poor friend croaked out, "X....I'm fine.....just fell" 

  "Exactly! The SKY Mumbo! The SKY! How in the nether did that happen?! You were on fire!" By now, Xisuma was straight up stunned. 

  "I-....I don't know honestly.....?" Mumbo barely squeaked.

  "Well I went to your base right after to see if you were ok. And guess what!" Not waiting for an answer,  X continued his babble. "A whole SECTION OF IT was blown to bits! I came here instantly. That couldn't have happened unintentionally Mumbo!"

  Lurching up, Mumbo exclaimed "WHAT?! THAT MUCH?!" then he fell back down.

  "I know! That's why-" Xisuma stopped mid-yell upon seeing his friend in this pain.

  He carefully pulled him up, then, using a much calmer tone, he spoke. "So, tell me what happened, ok?"

 Clearly confused himself, Mumbo replied, "I-I don't moment I was looking at redstone...and I heard this noise.."

  "Then.....well I don't really know how to explain it now do I..? I guess something happened and I became a human rocket launched torch..?" The inventor weakly smiled at X, somehow finding this amusing, but also trying to keep the mood light(ish). 

  After thinking about the strangeness of this for  a moment, X decided on something. It wasn't his ideal decision, but as the admin, his decisions couldn't be bias, even if he didn't like it. "Want my opinion Mumbo?"


  Forcing himself to make eye contact, Xisuma spoke quietly, "I think it was a set up."

  Speaking softly, he quickly added, "I know it's a long shot alright? I just..... I really don't have any other explanation on why you became a human torch and blasted out of your own base dude. I mean, that couldn't have been some freak accident..."

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