Silent screams

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Here. Father's Day Special. Also..... because it's fathers day, there will be a surprise for you poor people who waste your life on this book. It's a thing called a double post. And I think y'all are gonna enjoy the people the parts are on too. I dare you to guess. Winner gets nothing.


POV: Grian

Halfway through his flight back, the fuzzy feeling hit harder than ever. It took him by such surprise, he lost complete control of everything.

He yelled on his way down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhgggg! Some- OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWWWW MAKE IT STOOOPPP!" He gripped his stomach, unable to regain control of his flight because of the severeness of this pain. He doubled over and curled up mid-flight, tears fell as he got closer to the ground, his screams loud, but somehow dead silent. The pain both fueled his will to yell as well as over-bared it, allowing him a voice as well as nothing. It ripped at him inside out. It was demolishing and unlimited. Black and white. Life and death. Everything yet nothing.

A silent scream.

He got closer..

And a little lot closer..

Thoughts coursed his head, he wasn't able to compartmentalize what was happening, it was all to quick. The pain was so much he would willingly put a sword through his own chest if it weren't for the fact that he would feel that when respawning. He wanted this pain to end. Badly.

He was almost to the ground..

And then everything went black, not from death though, but from pain. It was blinding him into an unconsciousness. The only sound he could muster was a weak and faint noise. A cry. A cry for:


(Word Count: 326)

(Now I should forget about Grian. Also- the prize. Ok here:

First to comment on this line right here gets one question OR request. It has to be reasonable though, and it can't be something that will ruin this story plot.)

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