Part 2 ✔️

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I roll over and then I hear the door open, "Miss Roxy you need to get up. It's time for school." I groan into my pillow and then feel the covers torn off
me, "wake up Miss Roxy, if not Miss Gabi will be up first and she will eat all of the waffles I made this morning." I shoot up, "she wouldn't" Maisie laughs and leaves the room to try and wake up Gabi. I sit on my bed and then the door opens and I see Gabi half asleep, "Maisie's mean!" She stomps over to me and lays next to me. 

I laugh at her and then lay back down, "did it come back to you last night?" She nods and lets out a yawn, "yeah, I now have two sets of memories in my head. Also I think I hate Serena more then I did before." I nod, "yeah I guess us here were never her biggest fans either." I hear a knock, "Miss Roxy, Miss Gabi you have to get dressed now." I sigh, "ok Maisie we're on it." I give Gabi a hug and she leaves to get dressed. (uniforms above.)

We get into the car after breakfast and Gabi turns to me, "are we really not going to talk about--" I stop her, "talk about what? I have no idea what you are talking about. So now lets talk about important things. Like for example, are we going to act like ice princesses at the steps." Gabi laughs, "You pretending like it never happened is just like you. I also think we should side with Blair, she wasn't there for you and if you're mad at her so am I end of."

The car stops and we walk into school holding hands. As we enter people stare in awe at us, I see Jenny in the hall and walk over to her, "hey you're the girl from yesterday. Jenny right?" She nods, "you remember me? I mean yeah hi." Gabi smiles, "why wouldn't we. Does your brother go here as well." I roll my eyes at her, she always wanted to date Dan to be on Gossip Girls good side. "Yeah he goes to St. Jude's." I nod, "well we have to go, see you around." She smiles at us and I drag Gabi away with me. "You just couldn't help yourself could you?"

Soon it's lunch and we're sitting with Blair and the wanna be Blairs. Jenny comes over and shows Blair the invites, the minions start to gush over them and I take one and have a look, "nice work girl." She smiles at me and Blair looks at one, "not bad work. And here's yours, as promised." She takes the invite, "thanks."

Serena walks up to us on the steps, "hey. Here you guys are. I looked all over the dining hall for you." I scoff and me and Gabi stand up, "we're gonna go. Thanks for the invite see you there B." I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave glaring and Serena. I can not be bothered to pretend to be nice to her. Since last night when I got the memories back I also got the feelings, she didn't even call and that's the worst part.

When we get home we fall onto my couch, "that was the longest school day ever, I mean how is this fair we just finished a year back home and now this." Gabi laughs at me, "hey I think we should go shopping." I look at her, "you mean you want to see Dan, you know the Dan who is madly in love with Serena." She huffs, "fine you're right, but you know what when it's collage I am going in for the kill. Until then we should make friends with him." I shake my head, "you go and find a dress for Saturday. I don't want to see Serena." She nods, gives me a hug and then goes upstairs to change.

Once she's gone the elevator doors open, "what did you forget Gabi." I don't hear a response so I walk over to the entrance, "Bass what do you want?" He laughs, "it's been awhile Robinson. I didn't see you at school." I smirk, "maybe that's because I didn't want to see you." He laughs, "why don't you think you'll be able to control yourself around me." I shake my head, "leave Bass, now." He frowns, "why are you so mad." I sigh, "this is some stupid game to you Bass. I don't want to play anymore I want to be with someone who loves me. So please leave." He shakes his head and on his way out he says, "who said it was a game to me."

My phone goes off, 'Spotted Chuck Bass leaving the Robinson residence with a frown. What did our little princess do to make our bad boy so sad. Send me all the deets. xoxo Gossip Girl.' I sigh and turn my phone off, I wish I never got these memories, I would have been better without them. The me from here has wanted to tell Chuck that for awhile and it took me coming here to get it said. No more games that hurt me.

A/N: Hey guys I hope you like this book and if you do please vote so I know someone wants me to continue this. What do you think will happen with Chuck? Who will the girls end up with in the end? What will they change from the show and will they keep the same? Comment your thoughts.

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