Part 37 ✔️

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It's now the day of the senior and parents party and I am trying to put sex out my mind. I was overreacting, I mean it will happen when it happens right? Right now me and Charlie are walking in the park hand in hand. (outfit above.) Then his phone rings, "it's my mum. Just hold on, I have to take this." I nod, "yeah go ahead." As he walks away two brunette girls and one blonde girl walk up to me, "are you Roxy Robinson." I nod, "yeah, why do you want to know?" One of the brunettes speaks up, "we just bumped into Serena and Dan. We can't believe they are together. We're on Dan's side but she's on Serena's."

I nod slowly, "okay?" Just then Charlie walks back up to us, "hey, who are they?" I shrug and blonde girls says, "your the lord right? I mean really Roxy, everyone knows you belong with Chuck. You were made for each other." I shake my head and Charlie asks, "how do you even know us?" The middle brunette shrugs, "we read all about it on gossip girl." I sigh, "that's enough, scram the three of you." They listen and slowly walk away. Charlie turns to me, "you were not kidding about gossip girl." I shake my head, "you have no idea."

When we get back to the penthouse I see  Gabi looking at her phone upset. I turn to Charlie, "go to the room, I will be right there." He nods and gives me a kiss, "see you soon." I walk over to Gabi and sit next to her on the couch, "you look like someone just kill a puppy, what happened?" She sighs, "the guy from the train called, well by that I mean his girlfriend of three years. I mean who in their right mind would do that. I was on the phone with her for an hour trying to make her feel better. On the bright side I made a new friend, I just don't feel like going to the party. Is that okay?" I nod, "of course, wow I did not see that coming. Your prince will come soon." She nods and I kiss her head before leaving.

I walk in my room to see Charlie laying on the bed on his phone. I lay next to him and cuddle into him, after awhile I look up at him, "Charlie? Is there something wrong with me?" He looks down at me with a frown, "what? No, why would you think that, love?" I sit up and sigh, "well, we've been together for awhile now. We've talked about it but we've never actually done anything in bed." He sits up next to me and takes my hands, "I just want you to meet my brother, before we get serious. He's just come back into town so you can meet him soon." I smile at him, "what if him and his wife come to the party with us, I'm sure Blair won't mind." He gets up, "I'll call them now, he is going to love you." He gives me a kiss then leaves the room.

Charlie has just left to meet up with his brother about tonight and me and Gabi were chilling in her room. "So Roxs, have you talked to Charlie about the bed situation." I nod, "yep, he said he wants me to meet his brother before we get serious. He's coming tonight with Taylor, so I have nothing to worry about." Gabi shakes her head, "nothing here is ever that simple, I mean think about it." I lay back on her bed, "well Gabs, I am just going to play it by ear. Now I have to get ready, please help me pick a dress." 

A/N: Hey guys, so what do you think Charlie's hiding? Comment below your ideas.

Xoxo Maddie

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