Part 10 ✔️

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It's a new day and I wake up to my phone ringing, "hello?" He laughs, "did you just wake up?" I sit up, "what do you want Bass." I walk over to my wardrobe to find something to wear, "meet me at the address I sent you Robinson, I thing I found the perfect thing to invest in." I smile, "I'll see you soon Bass." I hang up the phone. After I get dressed I tell Gabi I need to take the car and she and her little house guest need to take a taxi.

I tell James where to go and Chuck greets me, "Chuck why am I at a strip club this early in the day." He smirks, "come on let me give you a tour of the place. I promise Roxs you'll love it." I follow him around and this place is amazing. I realise he called me and not Blair, I wonder what that means. We walk back to the bar area, "you want your dad to invest in a strip joint. How midtown." He has a huge smile on his face, "a burlesque club. A respectable place where people can be transported to another time. And they can feel free to let loose, no judgement, pure escape. What happens at Victrola stays at Victrola."

I look around the room and then turn back to him, "well, it does have franchise potential. Chuck Bass. I do believe all you years of underage boozing and womanizing... have finally paid off. Truly, I am proud." He nods, "and you are my toughest critic. Well, second toughest." I nod, "so you think your father will go for it?" He holds up a newspaper with his dad's face on it, "it is exactly the kind of innovative thinking upon which the Bass empire was built. It is perfect. I've been waiting for this." I look to see he's not in his uniform, "we are so late. Are you coming?" He holds up his files, "gotta pitch it to Bart." I start to walk away but he stops me, "victory party. Here, tomorrow." I keep walking, "I wouldn't miss it." "I'll send a car." I get to the door and shout back, "don't be nervous. He's gonna love it!"

I walk into school and catch up with Gabi, "where's lover boy?" She laughs, "he went home. I think I really like him. Where were you, when I woke up I saw your note." I sigh, "Chuck wanted me to see the place he wants to invest in." She rises an eyebrow, "well it looks like someone is taking Blair's place." I shake my head, "no, the show would never work without the love triangle." She shrugs, "who knows Blair might find a new guy. Hey did you hear Dean and Sydney broke up. That didn't last long." I sigh, "I guess he just isn't into relationships." She nods and we head for class.

It's the next day and me and Gabi just got home, "dad, what are you still doing here." I hug him, "well I thought business can wait. I want to spend time with you girls. How does dinner sound." I smile, "sounds great dad. Hold on let us get changes." Gabi stops me, "I can't tonight. Sorry I have plans with Scott. I'm going meet him half way between Boston and here." My dad smiles, "then it will be the two of us."

Me and my dad get in the car, (outfit above) "you look beautiful pumpkin. Now how about we go to your favourite place, China River." I smile and nod, "yes! I could really eat some Chinese food." He laughs at me excitement and we go and have dinner. The dinner was fun, once we go back home I saw a car pull up for me, "I have to go to celebrate with my friends at Chuck's party." He nods, "go, have fun."

I get in the car and see Blair, "Blair, where's Nate." She looks at me, "we just broke up." I pull her into a hug and we arrive at Victrola. The door opens and we get out. Chuck looks behind us, "where's Nate?" Blair isn't looking at him so I speak up, "I think they just broke up." Blair nods, "I don't wanna talk about it. I just wanna escape. That's what this place is for, right?"

Once we get inside me and Chuck sit on the sofa with drinks and Blair wondered off somewhere, I'm sure she'll be fine. "thanks for coming here Robinson." I smirk, "it's nice here, it's relaxing. You know I got moves." He lays back, "really? Then why don't you go up there?" I shake my head, "no. I'm just saying I have moves." He sits up, "come on. You're ten times hotter then those girls." I scoff, "I know what you're doing Bass. You really don't think I'll go up there." He smirks, "I know you won't do it." I put my drink down, "guard my drink."

I walk up onto the stage and everyone starts to cheer. I take my hair out of my ponytail and throw the hair band away. I slowly start to unzip my dress swaying to the music. Wow this is fun. I take off my dress to reveal my undergarments. (picture above.) I turn around and lift my arms swaying to the music. I slut drop looking Chuck dead in the eyes with a smile on my face. I drag my hand up my legs and start to play with my necklace. I stand back up and go back to swaying to the music. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Blair and who I think is Dean making out and then leaving. Looks like I changed the story.

I'm now in Chuck's limo still in my undergarments, "thanks for the lift home." Chuck looks at me, "you were amazing up there." I slid over to him and we start to kiss. He breaks away, "you sure?" I start to kiss him again and let's just say I broke my promise to myself. And well you can properly imagine what happened yourself...

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