Part 5 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

After yesterday me and Chuck are over. Well that is until he can stop sleeping with every living breathing thing. I walk into Gabi's room and lay on her bed, "so G should we make up with Serena with Blair, or hold a grudge." She turns over to me, "well I say we wait. She hasn't put in effort in making up with us, so why should we." I nod, "come on lets get ready for the Ivy week assembly." I walk out of her room and get ready for the day.

Once I'm ready Gabi walks in, "so are you ready for Ivy week." I smile, "duh, in our world we always dreamed and of going to Harvard together. You taking the journalist major and me a fashion major. It's seems we have the same dreams here, except now we have a higher chance of achieving them." She nods her head, "come on I am starving."

We walk downstairs and see my dad, "pumpkin you look amazing." I run down the stairs and hug him, "daddy! You're home. How long until you need to leave again." He sighs, "too soon for my liking. Oh and after school you need to go to your office. You do have some new designs right." I nod, "of course daddy." My dad turns to Gabi, "Gabriella good morning, I hope you like staying here." She nods, "yes thank you Mr Robinson." He laughs, "how many times do I have to tell you call me Max, now lets get you girls some food."

We sit down and eat our waffles, "so girls are you nervous about Ivy week." I shake my head, "of course not dad. We have this in the bag." He smiles, "of course you do pumpkin. I can't wait for the mixer, I am an old friend of the Yale representative." I shake my head, "dad you know we want to get into Harvard." He sighs, "I know I just want you to give Yale a chance." I nod, "anything for you dad."

Right now we are sat in the assembly and I am board out of my mind. I look over to see Chuck and Nate leaving to smoke. I pout and point them out to Gabi, "I'm gonna go and join them, wanna join me." She shakes her head, "I have a physics test and the show down in PE." I laugh, "you should have got a doctors note like I did. Try not to get hurt G." She rolls her eyes, "try not to get too high R." I smirk, "no promises."

I sneak away sending Blair and the rest of the girls a wink. I walk outside and take the joint out of Chuck's hand, "why thank you for offering." He playfully glares at me, "we need to talk." I let out a laugh, "because I took your joint." He gives me a look, "you know that's not it." I sigh, "fine." I hand Nate the joint, "bye Nathanial." He laughs, "bye."

Chuck walks me to the front of the school, "what did you want to talk about." He shakes his head, "come on Robinson. You left for the weekend and then you come back and want nothing to do with me. What happened?" I laugh, "I never said that. I mean we can still be friends, right?" He scoffs, "you're killing me hear. What changed?" Well I can't exactly tell him the truth or I will be sent away insane asylum, "I realised I don't want you to play games with my emotions. The next person I'm with will love and respect me. I don't want to be another one of your many whores. That's not me anymore Bass." I pat him on the shoulder and leave him.

Me and Gabi are walking home when a limo pulls up, "hey Robinson. Want to join me for a little scheming?" I turn to Gabi and she gives me a nod, "see you later G." I hug her good bye and get in, "what kind of scheme are we talking, Bass?" He laughs, "I say we find out why Serena really came back." I smirk, "I'm in. Let's follow a two faced bitch."

As the limo follows Serena as she walks to the Ostroff centre, "so as we follow the princess do you fancy telling me how you came to the realisation that we weren't good for each other." Chuck puts his hand on my leg and I take it off I need to get out of this and fast, "no I don't fancy telling you a thing."

We spend the rest of the ride in silence and then we see Serena entering the Ostroff Centre. I do kind of feel bad for what's about to happen. Chuck takes a photo, "this is way too good." He rings Blair and I get out, "I think I'm gonna walk home. See you Bass." Before he can stop me I am already out of the car. I feel kind of bad for using this against Serena, I actually like Eric he deserves better. Me and Gabi always thought so.

I called a cab and now I'm sitting on my bed watching Gabi try on dresses for tonight, "so what happened with Chuck?" She walks out in a blue dress, "nothing we just followed Serena. Also no to the dress they are Yale colours not Harvard what collage do you want to go to." She sighs and goes to try on a different dress, "I'm just saying maybe you a should give Chuck a chance. At least the guy you like isn't totally in love with your old best friend." I sigh, "no he is just destined to marry my other bestie. I mean that is no biggie." She laughs, "it doesn't have to end that way and you know it."

The car pulls up and my dad opens the door for me, "thanks dad." At first this morning when I called him that it felt weird but I never knew my real dad that well, he had left us and started a new family without us when I was five. It seems like the same thing happened here but this time it happened more recent, so I knew this worlds mom. (outfits above.)

Gabi walks over to Dan to get some drinks and I walk over to the Harvard rep, "hi I'm Roxy Robinson. It's so nice to meet you." She shakes my hand, "you to Miss Robinson. My daughters loves your work." I let out a small laugh, "why thank you. I was thinking of majoring in fashion at Harvard. I have always dreamed of going much like my friend Gabi." She gives me a small smile, "well I know for a fact it would be a delight to have a young girl like you go to our school." I smile, "why thank you."

I feel someone tap my shoulder, "darling there is someone I would like you to meet." I turn to my dad, "of course dad. I will catch up with you?" Harvard rep smiles, "of course." As I leave I see Gabi starting to talk with her, "yes dad, who do you want me to meet." He leads me over to the Yale rep, "Roxy, I would like to meet a good friend of mine. I was just telling him about how well things are going in fashion industry for you." The man shakes my hand, "you are a young talent. I am surprised of how young you are and you already have a successful empire." I nod, "thank you I surprised myself. If you will excuse me I need a drink."

I walk over to the drink stand and see Dan pouring drink, "you want a drink." I nod, "yes thank you." He hands me a drink, "so you want to go to Yale?" I shake my head, "nope. I want to go to Harvard with Gabi, my dad wants me to go to Yale." He nods, "then tell him you don't want to go." I sigh, "I did and he just keeps pushing. Hey can you tell Gabi I went to get some air?" He nods and I leave the drink on the table.

Gabi comes out, "Blair outed Serena she should be out her any minute now." I nod, "good we need to talk. I promise to be nice, I actually like Serena at this point." Gabi nods, "same now we just wait." Dan and Serena just made up and the whole time we were listening Gabi looked really sad, "Gabs you knew this would happen. Hey there are plenty of other fish in the sea, don't spend your whole time here waiting for this one." I bring her into a hug and she nods, "your right, it's just he's so nice." I nod, "and judgemental." She laughs, "yeah that too."

Serena walks out of the gates and sees us, "guys I'm really not in the mood." I step forward, "I know about your brother, what you did was really amazing. I don't want to fight, but you've been so focused with Blair you haven't even tried to talk to us." She sighs, "you're right, guys I'm sorry." Gabi stand next me, "why don't we go get pizza." She nods, "sure."

We sit in a pizza place, "I-- um wanted to show you this." I open my bag and take out a letter, "what is it?" My eyes start tear up, "I wrote it to you when you were away, 'Dear S, where are you? We all need you. My mom left and I feel so alone, I have Gabi but she has her own problems. Her parents are moving to Boston and leaving her here. Chuck's being Chuck, Blair has her own family to worry about and Nate's acting weird. I could really use my other bestie right now. You always found a way to make me laugh, I need to laugh. My dad's trying his best but he is falling apart. I can't find the strength to get out of bed. Why don't you call? I miss you, Blair needs you, I need you. Please call. Love Roxy xx' "why didn't you send it." I shrug, "what would you have done if I did. Blair wrote you one too, we thought it would help you know to write it all down."

It's the next day and just like the show B and S made peace. All four of us friends again, I just hope the next catfight isn't going to happen anytime soon. I have the memory of writing that letter with Blair, Dorota and Maisie thought it would help deal with things. I guess it kind of did, after reading the letter to Serena I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. I made peace with something I didn't know I needed to.

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