Part 30 ✔️

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We get out the car and walk in. (Outfits above.) We sign the register and Gabi leaves to go say hi to Blair and Dean who are talking to each other. I see Chuck and make my way over, "best man speech going well?" He looks up from his flash cards, "there won't be a dry eyes in the house. Trust me. How did things go with Whore-gina?" I smirk, "not a dry eye there either." He gives me that look that says, 'I'm Chuck Bass' if you know what I mean, "good to know I wasn't missed." I shrug, "Dan Humphrey lent a hand. It was nice to see him get his hands dirty for once. No sure how much fun he had though. No one ever enjoys their first time."

I fix his tie and he smirks, "except you. Save me a dance?" I pull him closer, "now that Georgina's done, so are you and I. She was the last thing we had in common. Break a leg." I say after kicking him with a smile. He bends over in pain, "I think I just did." I feel his eyes on my as I walk away. As I am walking away I see Dean and Blair looking awfully close. I shake my head and go to find my seat.

Gabi's pov:

After I leave Blair and Dean I get a text form Scott telling me to go outside. I walk outside the venue to see Scott dressed in a suit, this can't happen. Lily can't meet her son this way, "Scott what are you doing here?" He smiles, "I came to be your date, surprise. I feel like we haven't talked in forever." I smile, "Scott, you can't come in. There's no seat for you or enough food, I mean--" He cuts me off, "what's wrong? Are you embarrassed of me or something?"

Why did the world have to do this to me today, "what? No-" I'm cut off by Chuck, "Gabi! Roxy is looking for you, I think? Who's this." I shake my head, "no one Chuck, I'll be right there." He nods and goes back in, "so I'm no one huh? You know what this was a bad idea, don't call me." He walks away, I generally hate the universe well this one.

I walk back in and sit next to Roxy, "Scott came. We got in a fight because I wouldn't let him come in here. I think we just ended it." She pulls me into her side, "it will all work out in the end. I promise." I nod, "yeah, do you think Dan's really mad at me." She makes me sit up, "if so then it's his lose, same with Scott. You, G at the best girl in the world."

After the vows we were all sat at tables eating, then Dan walks over to me, "we need to talk." I nod, "R, B, please excuse me." They nod and we walk just outside the room, "I can't believe you lied to me. Over and over, I was meant to be your best friend Gabi. And it was so easy for you. You knew she was faking who she was and you let me befriend her." I sigh, "I couldn't say anything Dan. I didn't want you to judge me." He sighs, "why because you thought you killed someone. Look I am the most understanding guy in the world, but this?" I scoff, "if you don't want to be friends fine, but don't lie. You are the most judgemental guy I know, and I let that go. If you don't want to be friends then never talk to me again. Bye Humphry I'm done." I leave and he goes to break up with Serena.

Soon after I walk in I tell Roxy what happened and then Serena came back in. Chuck then started his speech, "I'd like to propose a toast. My father is someone who goes after what he wants. And Lily van der Woodsen was no exception. In typical Bass man fashion, his pursuit was direct. And at times, not exactly subtle." He puts his cards down and looks at Roxy, "one thing I learned from my father's courtship of Lily... is the importance of perseverance. That in the face of true love, you don't give up. Even if the object of your affection is begging you to. And one thing I learned form Lily is the importance of forgiveness. She gave my father a gift of a second chance... and in a kind, I've watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift... And one day... I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone... Who will do the same for me. To the happy couple." We all raise are glasses and Roxy and Chuck raise them at each other. Finally!

Roxy's pov:

I guess Gabi was right, I changed to the show and I love my change. I walk over to Chuck, "that was quite a speech. Looks like the hard work payed off Bass." He gets up from leaning on the wall and gets me to dance with him, "that wasn't what I wrote. I was inspired in the moment. Look, I know I did some horrible things, even for me." I raise an eyebrow, "you mean blogging to Gossip Girl about our sex life?" He smirks, "what's your point?" I smirk right back, "what's yours?" He shakes his head, "you don't belong with Ethan. Never have, never will." He leans in as I say, "and you don't belong with anyone." As those words left my mouth he leans in and kisses me, and I don't stop him.

He pulls away, "let's take it slow this time. Do it right." I smile, "Chuck Bass is a romantic. Who knew?" He smiles right back, "now you do. That's all that matters." I lead him off the dance floor and leave to get our cars. We decide to take it slow and both go to our own home tonight. On the way out we see Blair and Dean kissing and I send Blair a wink in which she returns with a smirk.

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