Part 24 ✔️

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It's the next day and I see Dan talking to Chuck I walk up to them, "hey there, Danny boy." He turns to me, "hey. How are you feeling?" I nod, "good, my migraine's gone." I see Chuck shake his head and I realise I messed up like Serena did in the show, "migraine? I thought it was food poisoning." I nod, "yep that came after." I give him a weak smile and he asks, "what exactly happened last night." Chuck speaks up, "I already told him." Dan shakes his head, "I'm asking you." I shake my head, "well, I got food poisoning and then Chuck helped me out." he give me a weird look, "where did you eat that you got this killer food-poisoning migraine?"

I sigh, "look Dan you may be one of my best friends, but you are not my boyfriend so drop the interrogation please." He grabs my shoulders, "as soon as you tell me where my friend is." I shake my head, "I here with you." The bell rings and Dan leaves. I turn to Chuck, "see she's only been here a day and I already lost one friend." He sighs, "it must be bad if you came to me and not Roxy." I give him a look, "Roxy can never know about this. If she asks it's Serena who you've been helping. Got it?" He gives me a confused look, "why her?" I huff, "just do it Chuck please." He nods, "fine." I sigh in relief, "thank you, I'll see you later okay?" I then walk to class.

It was lunch and Scott called to say he was leaving soon so I met him at the steps. "hey Scott." He gives me a kiss, "hey babe. I got you a coffee and chocolate muffin." I gasp, "you know me so well." We sit down and I hear footsteps coming our way. I turn around to see the minions, I generally don't know whose they are anymore, "oh my God Gabi is this your Boston Boyfriend." I sigh, "yes Penelope it is. Can we help you." She shrugs, "I just though Gossip Girl was lying, hi we're Gabi's friends--" I cut her off, "sorry but no you're not. I never really liked any of you so, bye." Penelope huff and they all storm away. Me and Scott laugh and keep on eating.

Schools over and I am walking home when my phone rings, "hey Georgie. It was good to see you last night. When did you say you were going back to Belgium?" I think it was Belgium I don't really remember, "Switzerland, and I'm supposed to leave tomorrow... but I'm not going till I make it up to you." I cross the road, "oh, nothing to make up for. I had fun." She sighs, "no, you didn't. I mean, until after you left, I don't think I really heard what you were saying. I didn't get it. You've really changed and so has Serena." I smile, "yeah, I guess we have." I wave to one of the girls from school, "I don't mean to sound corny, but it's a real inspiration to me." I roll my eyes know this is BS, "really?"

Then she continues, "I've always thought that I am who I'm going to be for the rest of my life. And even at those times when I maybe don't like myself... well, you can't decide to be somebody else." I cut in, "no you can." She ignores me, "yeah, listen, let's have dinner. I mean, I wanna hear about your life... and if you can change maybe there's hope for me too." I sigh, "I have to study, I have SATs in the morning." I know I have to but I really don't want to get drugged. "It'll just be an hour, we can time it. Just the two of us. Promise. The hardest drug on the table will be Perrier." I stop walking and sigh, "an hour." I hang up and go to get ready.

When I got home to get ready Maisie told me Roxy and Blair were getting a spa treatment. I walk upstairs to get changed. (outfit above.) I get a cab and meet up with Georgina. We are sitting at the table with diet cokes when the waitress comes up to us, "would you like to order cocktails." Georgina shakes her head, "I'm fine with my diet coke thanks." I nod, "oh, yeah, me too. thanks."

When the lady walks away Georgina gives me a smile, "so tell me about Scott and Dan." I laugh, "I did." She shakes her head, "oh come on, their last names and zip codes? Scintillating details. Come on they're apart of Gabi and Serena second edition." I nod, "um... Well... Dan is one of my new best friends. He treats me like a normal person and he gave me a place to stay when me and Roxs had a fight. With Scott I just like the way I feel when he looks at me." She tilts her head in thought, "how?" I start to smile, "like, he sees me. I can be myself around him, he just doesn't judge me no matter what. He likes me for me not the idea of me."

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