Part 21 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

We had just got back from school and I push Gabi up to her room and sit on her bed, "so spill. Last time we talked you were so happy about Scott, but when the GG blast came through you seemed bummed. What happened and who do I need to kill." She sits next to me, "I just remembered he needs to date Vanessa. You know for the important scenes that happen with him. So I know we won't last." I pull her into a hug, "hey what about Nate then, I mean he is single at the end of the show." She laughs, "yeah, after being a man whore for the whole show." I laugh along, "just you wait and see, you will end up with the one you found the most boring. Trust me he's not that bad." She sighs, "we'll see, for now I'm with Scott."

Gabi's pov:

I was now eating dinner with Roxy and her dad, "so Max how's business." He nods, "it's doing very well as it seems. We will need you in soon, you know to get some photos done nothing major." I nod, "of course, I am totally free to do that." Then Maisie walks in, "a package for Miss Gabi." I take it, "thank you Maisie." Her dad looks at me, "please feel free to open it." I give him a small smile as I open it. I see porn and handcuffs. I quickly close the box, "could you excuse me and Roxy." He nods, "of course we are done anyway."

We walk up to my room with the box and I drop it on the bed, "open it and tell me what you see Roxy." She opens it and looks inside, "I don't get it, why would Georgina send this to you and not S." I shrug, "how should I know. Do you think I should still blame Chuck." She nods, "just say you think he's doing this to you to get my attention." I nod, "yeah will do, and you can keep the box, for your games." I give her a wink and leave the room. 

The truth is I know why she sent them to me. The night of the wedding Serena went straight home and I went to that hotel room. That was me, I took her place and I really wish I hadn't. If had control of my past I would have stopped myself, just like Roxy would say, give her v card to someone different.

The next day we walk into school and a guy with boxes comes up to me and Roxy leaves me. "I've got three cases of champagne for a Gabi Richards." I turn around, "that's me but I didn't order those." He shrugs, "well, the purchase order never lies, salute." then with that he's gone. I storm up to Chuck, "the box of porn and handcuffs, and now this Chuck really. If you want Roxy's attention talk to her not me." He looks at me confused and I walk away.

I was outside with Scott and he came to have a picnic with me. (outfit above.) "turns out Serena over heard what Chuck did. She told Bart and he was so mad." He pulls me in, "really, so why did he send them." I sigh, "he wants to get to Roxy through me. It must be one of his games. Now enough about the prick. How are things back in Boston." He shrugs, "I don't know the same I guess. You know I was thinking about looking for my birth parents." I look up at him and give him a kiss, "that's a great idea. Tell me if you need anything."

After we ate all food he had to go or he would miss the train. As he leaves I see Roxy, "hey I have an envelope for you." I take it see coke. "I have to go and see Chuck don't I?" She nods, "come on, just play your part. You did with the whole baby thing." I give her a look, "really." She nods, "yes do you know how much damage control I had to do, I also had to pay some people off so they wouldn't tell my dad or the media." I huff, "fine off I go to the palace hotel." She laughs as I storm away.

I run up the stairs seeing as Serena let me in. I find Chuck leaving a room, "what the hell is wrong with you?" He scoffs, "specify the context." I hold up the coke, "you send this to my home. Really." He shakes his head, "I didn't do this okay? Look I have to go because goldy locks downstairs thinks I did this to you. Now Bart has kicked me out. I'm moving back to my suite. Bart thought it would be better if the family bonded without me for a while." With that he leaves and I feel like shit.

As I thought when me and Roxy were in the living room doing homework some taps me on the shoulder and hands me a note, "thank you. Roxy I have to go." She nods, "go, you know what to do." I  nod and read over the note again on my way out

I get a cab and pound on Chuck's door. "hey. I'm really sorry, Chuck. I know it wasn't you who sent me that stuff." I hand him the note that reads, 'Gab's, hope you like your presents! Coming back to town. -G' He steps aside, "why don't I make you a drink." I walk in and sit down, "you can't tell a soul Chuck." He hands me a drink, "I don't get it, I thought she only partied with Serena." I shake my head with tears in my eyes, "Chuck, I have a side of me no ones seen. Not even Roxy, but she has. I need to know if she's coming back or not please look into it." He nods, "I'm on it Gabi."

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