Part 34 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

It was now time for the White Party, I am going with Charlie and I guess Gabi is going stag. (outfits above.) Gabi had wondered off to go and talk to some friends of her mom's. Me and Charlie are standing at the pool and he sighs, "Roxy, I need to tell you something and I realised I asked your cousin not to tell you but--" He stops and looks at Chuck looking at us and then down at our hands, "what is it that you wanted to tell me." He sighs, "who was I kidding." He takes his hand back and storms off. I look at a smirking Chuck and then run after Charlie.

"Charlie what's wrong?" He scoffs, "you're using me to make Chuck jealous. Geordan told me you had been a mess when you first came, he told me about Chuck. That I could be a rebound, but I thought it was real." I take his hands, "it is real. Look, I have been trapped in Chuck's web for as long as I can remember. He's toxic, he likes me one moment and the next he's with an another girl in his bed. It took you for me to see what real love is, what a healthy relationship is. Please..." He shakes his head, "I want to believe you, just give me space." He then walks away.

I then feel Chuck come up behind me, "are you finally ready to admit it, come on Robinson. You and me both know you never liked him. Me and you are the same." I yank myself from his grip, "no, I will fight this and you Bass. I refuse to let this control me any longer. We can't even say 'I love you' to each other. Just let go, before this hurts one of us even more."

Gabi's pov:

I was walking around and then I see Dan Humphrey in the house, "what are you doing here?" He sighs, "looking for you and Serena. Look Gabi, I am so sorry, okay? Can't we go back to be best friends again." I shake my head, "you are gonna have to earn my friendship, and you are gonna have to dial down that judgment of yours." He nods, "I promise I will work for it." I nod, "fine. Serena is in the garden with Nate." He nods, "thank you Gabi." When he leaves I sigh, this year is going to be a nightmare. Season two holds a lot more drama, God help us all.

Roxy's pov:

I walk over to Charlie, "hey, you. Look I get you might hate me, I just wanted to tell you I am falling in love with you, I think. I just wanted to tell that, and I never lied to you. Unlike what my friend Blair did, I brought you back because I like you and wanted you to meet Gabi face to face." He nods, "I believe you, but I haven't been tell you the whole truth. When I saw Marcus with your friend Blair, I told him not to say anything. Turns out he was doing the same thing I was, I also asked you family not to tell you. I may be going to school unlike Marcus, but I am also a lord. He told me he told Blair the truth and now so have I."

My eyes widen, I mean really what were the chances that I would go to the UK and pick my cousins only friend that was a lord. I guess nothing can be drama free, "wow, Charlie. That's a lot to take in, I get why you lied I really do. This changes nothing as long as you act as care free as you did back in the UK. I mean that was the only lie right?" He nods, "yes it was, how about I bring around the car and we can go back to the  house and talk it out." I nod, "sounds good, I'll wait out front."

As I am waiting outside for him I hear footsteps and turn to find Chuck, "Chuck, didn't you hear me before." He takes my hands, "I should have never have abandoned you. I knew I made the wrong decision as soon as your plane took off. Distracted myself all summer, hoping I wouldn't feel it, but I still do." I nod, "and?" "I was scared. Scared if we spent the whole summer together, just us... then you'd see."

"See what?" "Me. Please don't leave with him." My eyes soften, "why? Give me a reason and 'I'm Chuck Bass' doesn't count." He gives me pleading eyes, "because you don't want to." I shake my head, "not good enough." His face softens, "because I don't want you to." I shake my head, "it's not enough." I look down and then back up at him as he says, "what else is there?" I hold back my tears, "the true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I'm yours." He looks me in the eyes, "I... I..." I take my hands back, "thank you. That's all I needed to hear. I can finally let you go Bass." I kiss him on the cheek and wipe my tears and walk to Charlie's car.

"What was that about." I send him a smile, "that was me letting go of my past, and getting ready for our future." He takes one of my hands, "I am so happy that you did that for me." I shrug, "me and Chuck have always been better as friends I guess. It just took me this long to see what real love looked like." He nods, "I'm glad you feel that way Robinson." He lets go of my hand and I say, "maybe, don't call me that." He smiles, "okay, love."

A/N: Hey guys I hope you did like this part and tell me what you want to see more of.  I hope you are going to enjoy the storyline I made for Roxy and Charlie for when they back to the city. Fill free to comment your ideas and suggestions of what you want to see next...

Xoxo Maddie

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