Part 36 ✔️

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I am now back and hanging out with Roxy in her room, "so where did you say Charlie was?" She shrugs, "he said he was going to meet a friend who lives in town, I think he said their name was Taylor." I nod, "boy or girl?" She gives me a really look, "why does it matter, I trust him." I let out a small laugh, "in other words you have no idea. Look the universe is gonna find some way for you to break-up, so you can be with Chuck."

She rolls her eyes, "not gonna happen, I changed my story line. Now enough about me, tell me about the cutie from the train. Did you meet you prince." I shrug, "maybe, I don't know. He has my number now and I haven't had the smallest bit of contact." She nods, "well, we have only just got back." I nod, "Isn't Charlie meant to be play squash with the boys soon? Won't he be late?" Roxy just huffs, "no, it's just a quick coffee. Look not all lords have drama, in their life. Chuck will find a new victim for his games and leave me be. I asked him to tell me he loved me and when he didn't, I left with Charlie."

I laugh, "let me guess you said, 'three words. Eight letters. Say it and I'm yours.' Just like Blair did in the show and then it was a running thing for the rest of the season." She crosses her arms, "I didn't even mean to say that. It was like I couldn't control it, how did I not notice that before-- you know what it doesn't matter because I'm happy with Charlie. Now shoo before Blair yells at us for being late for her party." I laugh, "deny it all you want, you love Chuck." She pushes me out the room, "no I don't, he is a fictional character and toxic. Now get your cute little butt ready."

When I get to my room my phone starts to ring and it's Nate, "Hey Nate, what's up?" He sighs, "Just family drama, do you mind helping me keep my mind off it." I walk over to my closet, "I would love to Nate, but I can't right now. I have to get ready and if I'm late Blair will kill me." I feel bad but he needs to go to Vanessa, "no, it's cool. We should catch up sometime though." I smile, "sounds good to me. Bye Nate." "See ya."

Roxy's pov:

Me and Gabi were stood off to the side of the party bored and waiting for Charlie to come back with new drinks. (Outfits above.) When he came back he handed us our drinks, "Why did I just see Dean enter with Marcus' step mother." I sigh, "it's probably just a ploy against Blair." Gabi nods, "yeah, our friends love to play games. I'm gonna go over to Dan so he isn't totally alone right now." I nod, "have fun with that."

When she leaves I turn to Charlie, "so how was Taylor?" He shrugs, "she was fine." I try to mask my shock, "she?" He nods, "yeah, she's my older brother's wife and my best friend. My brother's out of town so she was lonely. I think you two would get along great, she is just like you." I laugh, "yeah, I'd love to meet her. As long as she's not stuck up." He nods, "yeah, I think she's the one that got my brother to relax a little bit." I look around and then say with a smirk, "You know  I'm pretty sure we can find an empty room if you want." He shakes his head, "no I can't I have to say hi to some people. I'll see you in a minute." I nod and when he's gone I sigh.

When he leaves Chuck walks up to me, "you look lonely Robinson." I scoff, "I would rather be lonely then be with you." He nods, "whatever you say. You know I heard your lord was seen with another girl this morning." I roll my eyes, "yes I know, it was his brothers wife. They were catching up and his brother was out of town. Now please leave me and my relationship alone Bass." I don't give him a chance to reply and walk away.

I find Gabi alone, "where's Dan." She shrugs, "he left with Serena I think. Are you doing okay?" I shake my head, "there's something I have to tell you, I mean I didn't tell you because I didn't want to think about it." She takes my hands, "you can tell me anything, I'll always be there for you." I nod and lead her to an empty room, "me and Charlie haven't done anything, in bed." Her eyes widen, "what? I thought--" I interrupt her, "no, he just acts like that. I mean he says things, but he's never done them with me. Even now that he lives with us, all summer I was getting nothing from him and now it still hasn't change." Gabi sits down, "maybe he wants to wait till marriage." I shake my head, "if he was a virgin I would know. What if it's same as with Marcus, what if he's sleeping with someone else."

A/N: Hey guys please do tell me what you think of Charlie and if you think he is sleeping with someone else. I'm sorry for not updating lately but things have just been crazy. Feel free to comment any ideas for Roxy or Gabi and I will try my best to add them.

xoxo Maddie

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