Part 11 ✔️

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I told Gabi what happened and she wasn't shocked. Then last night Blair called and said she lost her virginity to Dean. I wasn't shocked and Gabi said she was cool with it. Blair told me she was going to church for confession and I decided to join her. After she was done she said she will meet me at school.

I sit down, "forgive me, father, for I have sinned." I pause and he asks, "what troubles you my child." I sigh, "at the start of this school year I promised myself I was done with a certain boy and his games. You know because it hurt. Then I went to this boys party and broke that same promise in the back of his limo. I just hope that because he's, well him, he'll act like it never happened. None of my other friends will ever understand why I did it. I'm ready for my punishment. Whatever you and God think is fair." He jumps in, "how about some food for thought instead? Don't drink, keep your clothes on... try avoiding those who might cause you to stray." I shake my head, "oh, I plan to. Thank you father. It was very good advice."

I walk out of the church and a limo slowly pulls up beside me, "well, this is the last place I'd expect to find you." I look at the limo and see Chuck, "go away, Chuck. I've been given orders practically from God to avoid you. I am not gonna slip up again Bass." He smirks, "would you consider avoiding me over breakfast." I shake my head, "sorry I have to check on my business and see what Blair picked out for me to get her." He shakes his head, "come on. Join me you know you want to." I look him dead in the eyes, "from this moment forward, the events of last night... will never be mentioned again, is that clear?" He smirks, "not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear... which I have been replaying over and over." I scoff, "well erase the tape. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened." He shakes his head, "I'll see you at Blair's party tonight." I scoff, "you're uninvited." I say walking away and he yells, "it's not your party." I turn around, "never stopped me before."

I get home and spent the day with Gabi catching up, "so how did thing at Church go?" I sigh, "well as it turns out Chuck and his limo were there. I don't know G, since that night every Chuck and Blair scene had been me and him." She nudges me, "this means he loves you and not Blair. Told you so." I laugh, "ok, ok. How are things with you and Boston anyway." She nods, "there good. I mean he takes me to these amazing places, then I remember where I am and who I am with. I mean he ends up dating Vanessa and then never ends up living here." I lay my head on her shoulder, "if we have learnt anything from Chuck, it's that we can rewrite this if we want to." She nods, "you right I'm not gonna worry about it. This is our life now, for now." I nods, "I know that's the thing I hate at any moment we could wake on that train."

We decide to put them thoughts at the back our heads and get ready for Blair's birthday bash. (Outfits above.) We get to the party and hang around Blair's minions and then we see B and S walk in we go running over and they look around, "hi, Serena, Blair." Me and Gabi count down in our head  and together say, "happy birthday." Blair has a huge smile on her face, "oh, my God. Kati, your brother's place is fabulous." Kati nods, "yeah I know right?" Serena jumps in smiling, "I know it's incredible. Come on let's, check it out."

After the grand tour me and Gabi go to the bar to get a drink, "can we get two gin martinis." He gives me a nod and hands us the drinks. Gabi turns to me, "so do you think Chuck will come." I sigh, "defiantly." Blair and Serena walk over to us, "G, I heard you have been seen with a new guy, give us the deets." Gabi laughs, "calm down S, we're just friends. For now that is anyway." We all laugh, "what's his name?" She smiles, "Scott." They smile, "I am so happy for you. Me and S are gonna get some Sushi you wanna come." We shake our heads and I say, "I don't like fish remember." Blair playfully rolls her eyes and they leave to order some food.

Dean walks in and when Blair sees him she walks away. Then behind him Chuck walks in I make eye contact and turn to Gabi, "I'm go say hi to some people. Catch you later?" She nods and sips her drink. I take mine and walk away from Chuck.

I walk to the roof top and see Blair and Dean arguing, I over hear some of it and it seems to be the same fight her and Chuck were meant to have. Dean got the necklace, Dean likes her and has butterflies. Well at least I now know what the show is trying to do. I would go along with it but I refuse to be made a fool out of by Chuck Bass.

Gabi's pov:

I'm with Blair and Serena, because I can't find Roxy anywhere. The elevator doors open and Dan walks in with Vanessa. Serena has a big smile on her face and then she sees Vanessa, "Dan, you're here! And-- and you brought Vanessa. Hey good to see you. Um... Kati and Iz, you know Dan. Blair and Gabi, this is Dan's friend, Vanessa." Blair whisper something to Serena and waves at them.

Once Blair leaves I put on a smile, I never liked Vanessa, "sorry about Blair. She's nice once you get to know her I promise. It's nice to meet you, I'm Gabi." I shake hands with Vanessa, "it's nice to meet you to." I then see Roxy, "Roxy! Come and meet Vanessa." Roxy walks up with a fake smile much like mine, "nice to meet you. Dan good to see you again, how's Jenny?" He nods, "she's good. She still really looks up to you." Roxy smiles, "well, tell her I said hi. I'll have to come by and hang out with her in Brooklyn." We tell them we'll see them later and walk back to the bar.

Me and Roxy sit in one of the rooms, "so you bumped into Chuck yet." She shakes her head, "nope and I hope I won't." I look behind her and smile, "I'm gonna go call Scott see you soon R." She looks at me confused and then sees Chuck as I leave. My work is done.

Roxy's pov:

As Gabi leaves I see Chuck, "I thought I uninvited you." He walks in, "I don't like to play by the rules." I scoff, "Chuck I mean it, I'm not a toy ok. I have feelings and I don't want you to hurt me." I start to cry and he walks up to me and wipes away my tears, "I would never hurt you on purpose. Come on now you're too beautiful to cry." I smile and he smiles back, "that's better." He leans in and well let's just say I couldn't help myself....

Gabi's pov:

Roxy missed the cake and I have a feeling I know why. Blair tells everyone that her and Nate broke up and runs away into a room. Serena follows and then once she leaves Dean walks in. Dean's a good guy, when he isn't cheating on you so I'm happy that they're happy.

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