Part 4 ✔️

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Gabi's pov:

I wake up to hear yelling, "Miss Gabi, Miss Roxy! You have to get ready for brunch, your father will you kill if you're late Miss Roxy." I hear my door open and I see a half awake Roxy, she lets out a yawn and makes her way over the me, "morning G. You excited for the famous Bass brunch." I shake my head "I need sleep." She laughs, "well who knows maybe this whole thing is a shared dream we're having on the train." I laugh, "come on R let's get dressed, you need to look good for Chuck." She grabs my pillow from under me and hits me with it, "I hate you Gabriella." I gasp, "you did not just call me by my full name." I get out of bed and she makes a run for it to her room. Works every time.

We get ready and walk down stairs. (outfits above.) I see Maisie at the bottom of the stairs, "you girls look wonderful." Roxy Smiles, "where's my father?" Maisie face fall, "he sends his apologies, he is stuck in a business meeting. He would like me to inform you have a meeting with some buyers after brunch." Roxy's face fall, "thank you Maisie." I hold her hand, "Maisie, me and Roxy are going to go for a walk. I will be back after brunch." She nods, "of course Miss Gabi I will get your coats."

We start to walk around and sit on the steps, "are you ok Roxy?" She sighs, "I'm fine I haven't even met the guy yet. It's not like I know him." I give her a look, "but you do." She sends me a forced smile, "anyway enough about me. Tell me about what else happened when you went shopping." I sigh, "I ran into that Dean guy. We're still friends and his new girlfriend Sydney still seems nice. After Serena left me alone I saw Dan." She smiles, "then what happened?"

Flashback to shopping trip:

After Serena and Eric left I saw Dan about to leave the store, "hey, Dan right?" He turns around, "yeah, hi Gabi right?" I nod, "yeah, look I now you don't know me but maybe you could help me. My friend Roxy is back at home and I need an honest opinion." He nods, "sure I have nowhere I need to be." I smile and drag him to the changing rooms after I showed him the red and black dress I walk over to him, "so what one did you like best." He shrugs, "you looked good in both, but I would go red." I nod, "thanks your a life saver."

Back to present day:

"Then I said bye and we went different ways. He must have thought I was so weird, he only met me once and even then I didn't even talk to him." She hugs me, "if he thought then he is just dumb. Now don't get me wrong I'm not his biggest fan but if you like him I can help." My eyes light up, "you would really do that for me?" She nods, "of course. Now first we need to take advantage of what happens at the brunch. After it happens run after him and show him we're not all like Serena."

After our talk on the steps we head to the brunch not wanting to be late. We sat at a table with Chuck, Blair, Nate, and some of Blair's minions. We were laughing and having a good time. Then Blair looks to the door and I follow her gaze, "you've gotta be kidding." I get up, "I need something to eat." I walk over to the food, and Serena leaves just as I get there.

"Hey Dan, I didn't know you were coming here?" Well I did but I can't say that, "well Serena invited me just now. Hence the casual outfit." I laugh, "yeah I guessed that. So are you two like a thing or?" He shrugs, "maybe I don't really know if I'm being honest." I nod, "that's Serena alright." I grab some bacon and Dan asks, "so are you two like friends?" I shrug, "we used to be, but then she left. So I don't think so anymore. See you around Humphrey."

Roxy walks up to me, "so how did it go?" I shrug, "ok I think. It was mostly small talk, I just didn't know what to say to him." She laughs, "you are so socially awkward I swear." Chuck walks over to us, "why were talking to that idiot Gabi." I shrug, "he's nice, I guess I'll leave you two to it." I walk away sending Roxy a wink. She rolls her eyes at me and sends me a glare.

I grab a drink and see Blair walk towards Dan, it's about to go down. I walk over to Chuck and Roxy and they seem to be in a heated conversation, "sorry to interrupt, but I need Roxy. Now." I drag Roxy over and point to Blair and Dan. Then Serena and Nate come running over to them. We see Chuck walk over and we join him, "here I thought you were waiting for me." Roxy rolls her eyes, "yes waiting for you to be done with your sluts." Chuck gives Roxy a look and she huffs.

Dan nods, "oh, exactly what this situation needs. Chuck. No what's going on here?" "we were just getting to that?" Serena stops her, "Blair, please, don't do this." She turns to Serena, "sorry. Did you want to tell him." Chuck steps in, "I'll tell him." I nod, "or we can." They all turn to us, "you guys know." Chuck nods, "I know everything." Dan looks at all of us, "and apparently I know nothing."

Serena speaks before any of us say anything, "look, Dan it was a long time ago, and I regret it." Chuck stops her, "look, Serena, stop trying to pretend you're a good girl. So you slept with best friend's boyfriend. I kind of admire you for it." Roxy whacks his arm, "don't be an ass about it Bass." Dan looks at Serena, "it that true?" She looks down and Blair speaks up, "well, then she ran away. And lied about it. I just thought you should know. Before you fall head of heels for your perfect girl and her perfect world. And then get left alone with no one but your cabbage patch kid."

Dan looks at Blair, "did you talk to my sister." Chuck laughs, "yes, little Jenny. I do believe she and I have some unfinished business." Dan gets in Chuck's face, "you stay away from her." Chuck smirks, "poor Daniel. So little time, so many sluts to defend" Dan pushes Chuck, and he ends up pushing the waiter over. "it's fine. It's fine. Everyone can stop looking. He's a jerk. But it's my fault and I'm leaving."

I go after Dan, "hey Dan! Wait up!" He stops, "what, what else could you tell me." I sigh, "I'm sorry. What they did in there was so wrong. She should have told you." He nods, "she's just like to rest of them." I walk closer, "do you know why teens in my world act out. They want attention from their parents. I should know I used to be like that. I just think you should know how lucky you really are Dan." I turn around and past Serena on my way back in. She gives me a look and then goes to talk to Dan.

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