Part 12 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

I wake up and it's thanksgiving, I get up and walk into Gabi's room with a smile on face, "Gabi it's thanksgiving. Now were do you want to go, we can join Blair and then much later join Serena. Or we could go ahead and join Serena straight away." She sits up, "it's too early to make a game plan R, I need coffee." I shake my head, "no, you have to get dressed. Come on." She sighs, "fine!" She gets out of bed and I smirk, "I win! See you downstairs in ten."

We walk downstairs and we get a car with my dad. (outfits above.) We got to Blair's and we sat opposite her and I sat in the middle of my dad and Gabi. Blair had pulled us to the side and told us what her mom did. I had completely forgotten about it until she told me. This is why I thought we should have done a game plan this morning, but no it was to early. Blair leaves the table with a pie and walks into the kitchen.

We walked into Blair's bathroom after excusing ourselves from the table. We sit down next to her and I pull her into a hug as Gabi calls Serena. Soon we hear a knock on the door, "hey it's me." She opens the door and sees us all on the floor. Blair's has tears in her eyes, "I didn't mean for it to happen." Serena joins us on the floor and Blair tries to hold her tears in, "I didn't see your dad downstairs." She shakes her head, "my mother just decides everything, you know? Everything in the world is totally up to her." Serena kisses the top of her head, "I know. Hey, you wanna get out of here?" She scoffs, "I'm not going back to that party." Serena shakes her head, "no I mean 'out of here' out of here. Out of this apartment. To a place a little more sane." Blair sighs, "any place would qualify." We wipe her tears away and leave her apartment.

We walk into the loft and see Lily, a blonde that I think is Alison and Rufus arguing. "hi, guy, I'm back and I brought Blair, Roxy and Gabi." We wave and Blair speaks, "hey." Serena looks at them, "wow. Weird vibe. Okay, where's Dan?"

We walk in and see all three of them in here, "hey." Dan smiles, "Serena and Blair." I roll my eyes, "we're here to Dan." They ignore me and Jenny sits up slightly, "Blair." She sighs, "yeah. It's me." She looks around and Serena sits by Dan, "explanation to follow, but first, what's going on with our parents?" Jenny answers, "oh. Our dad dated your mom." Dan jumps in, "yeah, we're not related though." Eric adds in, "ignore my roots." I laugh and ruffle his hair. He playfully glares at me but I just smile innocently.

Me and Gabi kind of zoned out and looked around the room. We both love the loft in the show this is like a dream. Then Gabi jumps in, "wait, your dad was the singer in Lincoln Hawk. I love them, How did you guys not know he dated someone called Lily. Did not listen to any of his songs or watch any clips for concerts." They look at her in shock and she just shrugs, "you like rock music." She nods, "yep."

We all leave through the fire escape and we go to a diner and order some food. I am so hungry, then my phone rings, "I gotta take this it's my dad hold on." I get up and walk to another table, "Roxy where are you?" I sigh, "I'm with Serena, Blair, and Gabi. We're all ok, look can I call you back please?" He sighs, "fine pumpkin, call me later."

When I get back Lily is there and we all start to leave. Me and Gabi get a taxi dropping Blair off on the way home. Once we get home we tell dad Blair had an emergency and needed us. After that he went to his office and we started to watch 'breakfast at Tiffany's' eating chocolate. This is how we used to spend every thanksgiving back home and it felt nice to be normal for once.

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