Part 39 ✔️

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A/N: Just to let you know this is a long part but it is important so please read it. Also just a trigger warning this does contain mention of a suicide attempt. 

It's been a week since the break up and instead of crying and letting my life pass me by I decided to keep my head held high and go clubbing with Gabi and having the time of our lives. I mean if you think about it, it's been a year since we arrived here. After getting ready for the first day we left early and went to the met steps. (Uniform above.) 

Gabi sighs, "you know as much fun as this is I can't help but miss my mom and dad." I nod, "same here with my mom. She may have been protective of me but she was the best, not to mention her waffles." Gabi starts to tear up, "I just feel so alone here. My parents here barely even want to know me as a person. I just sometimes wanna go home, but at the same time I love it here." I pull her in and start to cry along with her, "I promise I will never leave you." I pull away and give a her a small smile, "we should go to school. Come on." I help her up and put my arm round her as we walk out. 

Gabi's pov:

I was on my way to first lesson when someone stops me by grabbing my arm, "hey Gabi. Are you okay, I saw on Gossip Girl you and Roxy were crying on the steps." I see it's Nate and my eyes widen, someone put that on Gossip Girl. I am so going to kill Dan, "I'm fine, just a small break down. Completely normal for girls, it's just normally not done in public. I have to go, don't want to be late for history." He looks hesitant but says, "if you're sure, and when you can we should catch up over lunch." I nod, "sure thing, see ya Nate." I kiss his cheek without thinking and walk into lesson.

When I sit down Blair walks over with her minions behind and pulls me up giving me a hug, "are you good? I mean I knew you and Roxy are now both single but I can get you new men like that." I pull away and put on a smile, "we're good Blair. I promise, it was nothing. You know what I'm not in the mood for this lesson anyway. I'm gonna skip." I see Blair's eyes widen at what I say as I walk out of the lesson and her say, "did she just say skip? She is so not okay."

I knock on Roxy's classroom door and walk in. I see Chuck trying to talk to Roxy and her flipping him off. I then turn to the teacher, "sorry sir, but Roxy's father just called me before class and said she wasn't answering her phone. Somethings wrong with one of her lines, fabrics late arriving again." He sighs, "go Miss Robinson." Roxy stands up, "thank you sir." She get's up and we leave the school. We call for the car and they take us to a small restaurant.

"So I'm guessing my business is doing just fine, because I leave my phone on for this very reason." I nod, "yep. Gossip Girl posted about us crying on the steps, first Nate asked about it and then I had Blair in History and when she asked I just bolted." Her eyes widen, "so that's why Chuck was bugging me about my wellbeing. I though he was just being conniving about the break up." A waitress comes up to us, "what can I get you?" I send her smile, "two coffees, extra sugar and cream with a dash of vanilla." She nods and walks away saying it will be right out.

"Gabi, we need to get a story straight. I mean we can't tell them we were crying about missing our parents from another universe." I nod, "that's why I pulled you out before we both said different things." The waitress brings us our coffee and Roxy says to me, "we could say I stopped taking my antidepressant medication and tried to..." I gasp, "Roxy. Are you sure that's a big leap, and could land you back in therapy and having to tell the gang your you's from here's past. If that makes any sense." She nods, "I can do it. I mean I haven't been taking them anyway and..." I give her a look, "and what? Wait you didn't..." She nods, "it was a moment in weakness, I considered going back home. I thought if I died here I would wake up back home. Then I stopped and thought how I could never do that to you." I start to tear up and so does she as I pull her into a hug.

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