Part 13 ✔️

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It's time for the debutante ball and have our escorts, I'm going with a guy from maths class who has a huge crush on me. His name is Ethan Walters and his family is loaded and very well respected. Gabi on the other hand is going Dean, her ex. She doesn't want to ask Scott seeing as they haven't even kissed and since Sydney and him broke up, and Blair doesn't want to be seen in public he asked her if he could be her escort. Also turns out over the summer Dean started hanging out with Nate and Chuck and they all seem close.

We were having our rehearsal and the tension in this room in crazy. Both Ethan and Chuck are looking at me intensely. Then both Dean and Nate are looking at Blair intensely. Then in moments Chuck and Ethan give each other death glares, then I saw Dan talking to Serena's grandmother Cece. After the dance we bow to each other. As I am about to leave Ethan stops me, "hey, do you want to get dinner tonight. you know like a pre-date to get to know each other better." I give him a fake smile, "sorry I'm having a family dinner tonight. Maybe next time." I wave goodbye and the driver takes me home.

Gabi was out so I went straight to my room, "God I missed you." He sits up on my bed and smirks, "come and show me how much Robinson." I smirk and straddle him and kiss him. "did you miss me Bass." He turns us over so I'm now laying down, "more then you can imagine, why can't I escort you?" I sigh, "you know why. I don't want anyone to know about us Bass." He sighs and lays beside me, "why I don't get it." I sit up, "because you are not done with games. I promised Gabi I would stop playing. I don't want to disappoint my bestie." He sighs, "fine. I'll deal with it." I start to kiss him again when Maisie calls, "Miss Roxy, Mr Ethan is here to see you." I huff and sort myself out before walking down to him.

"Ethan what are you doing here?" He smiles, "I thought you had a family dinner." I hug him, "I do, later I was just about to get ready. My dad's coming back into town tonight, so he can be at the debutante ball." He nods, "then I will let you get ready. See you soon." He kisses my cheek and I walk back up to Chuck, "he is so needy. Why not pick me." I throw him back on the bed, "oh, and he's the needy one? Huh Bass?"

It's now the night of the ball and I am sat at my dresser doing my make-up, I hear a knock on the door and turn my head to see Gabi, "hey do you have my blush, I can't find it for the life of me." I nod, "yep, here. Sorry I couldn't find mine." She takes it, "it's fine. I remember ever since we watched this episode I wanted to be apart of a ball like this." I smile, "me too. Oh, and if anyone asks I promised you I would stop playing games with Chuck." She smirks, "you lied to him, so he wouldn't escort you. Why?" I turn around and face her, "if I don't make him work for it, well he could get bored." She puts a hand on my shoulder, "I know that's not true but for you I will say that if anyone asks." She kisses my cheek and then leaves me to get ready.

We are standing on the steps facing our partners. I look over to see Nate glaring at Carter, and Dean smirking. So it looks like Dean's doing the plotting, so no matter what Nate was going to punch Carter in the face. I look over and see Chuck looking at me, I send him a small smile in which he returns with a smirk. I see Gabi playing her role as she looks between the two of us with a confused face. I then look in front to see Ethan smiling at me, "you look amazing." I send him a smile, "you don't look so bad yourself Walters." In the corner of my eyes I see Chuck frown at me calling Ethan by his last name.

The announcer starts the ball, "hello and welcome... to the Annual Dispensary Cotillion and Debutante Ball." They all clap and then she starts announcing the names, "Katia Farkas, daughter of Jonathan and Rose Farkas... escorted by Richard North... hopes to major in neuroscience... and will continue her family's legacy as supporters of the New Your Library and Lincoln Centre." They then walk away and I zone out Blair's and wait for mine. I knew what it said, something about Yale, the something about summer and the Hamptons, and then something about children charities.

Then Serena's  was that she wanted to be a gold-digger, then she walks away. Then is was me, "Miss Roxanne Robinson... daughter of Maxwell and Emma Robinson... escorted by Ethan Walters... hopes to graduate as a part of Harvard's class of 2013... She will continue her work in fashion and soon become a well known name in society." I walk up the stairs with Ethan on my arm. I listen in so I can hear Gabi's, "Miss Gabriella Richards... daughter of Graham and Grace Richards... escorted by Dean Newton... she also hopes to graduate as a part of Harvard's class in 2013... She hopes to travel and take part in the family business." She walks up the stairs and me and Ethan continue to our places. Gabi's mom wrote that speech, she wants nothing to do with that business.

We were doing the dance to the pretty little lairs theme tune, and when we switch partners Nate walks over and punches Carter. Wow that was so cool. They drag the boys away and I feel an arm go round my waist. I turn around and see Ethan, "hey you wanna get out of here." I smile, "can you hold onto that thought  that for a minute." He nods and I walk over to Chuck, "Chuck? did you help Dean with Carter." He turns to me with a smirk, "why yes I did. What does it matter." I scoff, "I don't get it, why?" He shrugs, "I had to get payback on Carter somehow." He tries to get me to dance with him, "no, you ruined this night for me. I have dreamed of this since forever. This is why we will never work Bass. This thing we had, it's over." I get out of his grip and walk away, "Roxy! Please wait!"

I had gone upstairs with Ethan and we were leading to a door kissing me, "I have wanted to do this since I first walked into that math class." I laugh, "oh shut up and kiss me." He walks into the door as I kiss his neck. That night was the first I was with someone from this world who wasn't Chuck Bass. It felt good to move on, maybe I'm not destined to end up with him. He will never get another chance with me.

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