Part 32 ✔️

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After waiting for Chuck to come to Tuscany for two days, I spent the rest of my week there with the guy from the helicopter. I think his name was Ben, after the week I took my own jet to London and stayed with my aunt Ellen and uncle Dante. My cousin Geordan soon introduced his friends, and I hit it off with a very hot blonde named Charlie. He has money status and is just all round perfect, what can I say I found my very own Klaus Mikaelson. The plane had just landed and I call Gabi, "Hey Gabs, me and Charlie just landed. We are just about to get on the Jitney." She laughs, "really the Jitney? You really are asking for trouble." I laugh, "who, me? Look I have to go I'll see you later, G. Love you."  "Yeah, yeah Roxy I'll see you soon."

I walk over to Charlie, "everything ok, love." I smile, "of course, why wouldn't be. Let's go before we miss the bus." He nods, "hang on, I have to call my mum." I nod, "ok, tell Sharon I say hi." I give him a kiss on the cheek and I get on the bus. Once Charlie gets on, the Jitney soon takes off on it's way to the Hamptons. On the way as I am falling asleep on Charlies shoulder jet legged I get a call from Gabi, "hey, what's up?" She sighs, "Chuck is on his way to see you. Also Dean is waiting outside, because Blair took a taxi with the Lord." I sigh, "your telling me this because?"

I can see her roll her eyes over the phone, "you know what your doing. Just because you like Charlie doesn't mean you don't want to make Chuck pay. I get it. I really do, but we all know you will end up together." I sit up, "no, we won't not now not ever." Charlie looks up from his phone, "who're talking to." I send him a smile, "just Gabi." He nods, "tell her I say hi." I nod, "Charlie says hi. Now enough about me, how are you doing with the whole getting over Scott thing." Charlie puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean back into him and yawn, "well, S fake dated Nate so people are off her back. For me? No I have had everyone trying to find me a man even Cece. Hold on... Look R I gotta go see you later."

After that phone call I slept the rest of the way until Charlie nudged me, "we're here, love." I get up and fix my hair and make up then turn to see him looking at me, "what?" He laughs, "we're just walking out of the bus. Your not going to be swarmed by paparazzi." I shake my head, "no, but I will have my picture on Gossip Girl as soon as I walk out. I told you about this remember. Now come we have to go."

I walk out first and see Chuck Bass, in a pink suit and yellow roses in hand with a smile on his face. Then he sees Charlie coming out after me and his smile drops. I hold my arms out with a pout and he smirks before leaning in a kissing me. He smiles, "I'm going to get the bags, love." I nod, "okay, I'll wait here." He leaves and I turn to Chuck and smirk raising an eyebrow, and he slowing backs away.

It's the next day and me and Gabi are sitting on the edge of the pool drinking and catching up, while Serena and Blair are on the sun loungers, "so G, who have you been set up with whilst I've been gone." She lays back, "too many people. My mom and dad were here for a week so I was at first in our villa. They tried to set me up with a business partner's son. Then I got lonely and Serena let me move here, she tried to set me up with a surfer who was very cute. Then Cece tried to set me up with a guy with a big ass trust fund, now he was just full of himself."

I turn to see Dean walk by S and B and Chuck on his way over. I cough, "Chuck incoming. So Charlie is the best, also his family said he could do the year at collage here. His family knows people and he's going to Columbia for the year. He got me this gorgeous R charm bracelet." Gabi smiles, "he sounds like the best R." Chuck scoffs, "your lying, just like Blair is to Dean." I scoff right back, "am not. I really like him." He shakes his head, "your eyes don't match you mouth." I roll my eyes, "I wasn't aware that robots got jealous. Did they update your software while I was gone?" He shakes his head, "come on. You and I both know this guy's just a prop, you brought to try and hurt me like I hurt you."

I stand up and look him in the eyes, "you Bass, didn't hurt me. I will admit, waiting for you in Tuscany for the first two days, was embarrassing. When I realized you weren't coming, I rallied. Luckily, I made a friend on the trip over." He laughs, "Boring Ben, my dad's ex-employee? By the way, I had him fired just for you." I sigh, "look, how jealous you were. Maybe you do have feelings, you know my cousin who you like so much, he was the one to introduce us. I get why you like Geordan so much now, he has great taste in friends. He might be the one. You know what, I'll bring Charlie to dinner. You might just like him as much as me." He gives me fake smile, "if you mean not at all. I'm sure you'll be right. I'll see you at 7." When Chuck left I turn to Gabi, "let's go find that surfer." We get up and head to the beach.

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