Part 38 ✔️

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After getting ready for the party I get a text from Charlie saying the cars downstairs. I fix my makeup and make my way down. I see Gabi on the couch and she stands up, "promise me, if stuff gets wired with that family you ditch their asses." I nod, "I promise, have a good night." She gives me a hug, "right back to you." 

I walk down to see Charlie next to the car, "you look amazing, before we go to the party we're gonna go and meet up with my brother Freddy and Taylor for dinner." I nod, "sure sounds good to me, let's go." We get in the car and it pulls up in front of a fancy restaurant. We get seated and I see a slightly older looking version of Charlie and a beautiful brunette.

Charlie hugs them both, "hey guys, this is Roxy. Roxy this is Taylor and my brother Freddy." I give them both a smile and wave, "hey, it's nice to meet you guys." We sit down and Freddy smiles back, "same here, I heard you were the one to finally convince my brother to move here. I have been trying myself but it never worked." I nod, "I guess I twisted his arm slightly, I didn't see you guys in London over the summer, were you there?" Taylor shakes her head, "No, we were in Italy for the summer, have you ever been."

"yes, it is amazing over there. I was mostly there for business so I didn't see many of the sights." She smiles, "I thought you were still in high school." I sigh, "I am, but I also run my own fashion business. We manged to get our clothes in Italy three years ago along with Paris." The waiter then soon came over and once we order the boys started to talk about something and Hayden leans over to me, "so, what did you think of the waiter? Cute or not?"

I let out a small laugh, "aren't you married." She smirks, "so? I mean he looks and so do I. I'm sure Charlie does the same thing, so cute or not?" She leans back to get a look and I look at the waiter briefly and say, "I guess he's kinda cute." She shakes her head, "more then that, he is a total hottie." I then look over to the boys and see both of them looking at me out of the corner of their eyes strangely, like they're talking about me. What the hell is going on tonight.

As we were paying the bill the power went out and one of the waiters yelled, "I'm sorry to inform you that there is a whole city power outage. We must ask you to sit tight and stay here until it is over." I groan, "wonderful, Blair is going to kill me. I hope Gabi writes me a good eulogy." Freddy laughs, "you really are funny." I shake my head, "I was so not kidding, you would know this if you knew Blair. Either she's going to kill me or my hair by pouring yogurt all of it, and I love my hair." Taylor's eyes widen, "she sounds like a character, and you two are friends?"

I nod, "yep, whist she can be a tiny bit insane she's always there for you however if she doesn't like you, well good luck." Charlie nods, "I really do pity Marcus. From what Roxy tells me she's the she-devil." I smirk, "what can I say, you grow up here you learn a thing or two about blackmail and scheming. I know I did, it's all about who your friends are in the city. To have power here you need more then a title."

Freddy smiles, "well, we are gonna be here for a while sweetheart, please do tell." I decide to over look the nickname and tell them, "well first you have to be seen with the right people, at the right parties, and on the right gossip pages doing the right thing. For example me and my friends have the power around our age group and below because we wear expensive clothes and are seen at all the best parties. Not only that we are the stars of this gossip site, called Gossip Girl. No one even knows who the writer is, you want to know how the city works have a look at that."  

Taylor then asks, "so your okay with this, I mean having everything you do be on this site and having no idea who it is." I shrug, "you get used to it, this whole city is full of secrets you just need to know where to look. Also me and Gabi have a feeling we know who Gossip Girl is."  Freddy and Charlie look at each other and then nod.

Charlie sighs, "Roxy, I was planning on explaining after the party but seeing as we're stuck, I think we should tell you now." I frown, "what is it, it can't that bad trust me. I have most likely heard much worse." Freddy then says, "me and Taylor have an open marriage. The reason is we married young and then Taylor and my brother started to like each other in a more then friends way. So we kind of share her and we both like you so..." My eyes widen, "I'm not sure I follow." Charlie takes my hand, "we are asking you if you wouldn't mind us sharing you as well. I mean you could still see others if you wanted to, but you would be seeing both of us."

I shake my head and let out a small laugh, "oh my God. I'm sorry but just no, I am so not that kind of girl. So you've technically been cheating on me this whole time with Taylor. That's why you said that-- oh my days. I have to leave." I grab my bag and coat as start to leave I hear Charlie call after me and as I get to the door staff try to stop me, "Miss you can't leave. It's not safe." I send me a glare, "I would rather die then stay here." I push past them and leave.

I was standing in the street with no light at all. I pull out my phone and turn on my flash light to look around. Just then someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see a guy I don't recognise, "are you okay Miss? You really shouldn't be out here with the blackout and all." I scoff, "I would much rather die out here then go back to where I was." He laughs, "that bad, huh?" I nod, "you have no idea. I'm Roxy by the way." He shakes my hand, "the names Caleb, well I can't just leave you out here in the dark. Come on we're just outside my house, my parents are home so you know I'm not a serial killer." I smirk, "how do I know it's not a family of serial killers. I have watched movies you know."

He shakes his head, "maybe too many. You really don't trust too much." I scoff, "you wouldn't if you had the same night I've had. However I don't want to be stuck out here, lead the way." He walks up the stairs of one of the town houses and I follow him in, "mom! Dad! I'm home, and I found a girl wandering around." A nice couple walk out and the women gives me a hug, "Oh, you poor thing. Are you okay? What were you doing out in the blackout." She leads me to the couch and I sit down. 

I look down, "bad date. I didn't really fancy sticking around." She nods, "I understand sweetie, so what happened? He try something?" I shake my head, "him and his brother and his brother's wife tried something." She winces, "you poor baby. Darling go make this poor girl some coco." I shake my head, "I couldn't. I don't want to put you out." She shakes her head, "nonsense. Do you need to call anybody, your parents?" I shakes my head, "my dad's out of town. I should call my friend though excuse me."

I get up and stand in the hallway to make my call, "Hey Gabs. How are you doing?" "I'm fine I promise. So spill girl, how's Blair's party I want all the info." I sigh, "I didn't make it. I am currently in a stranger's house waiting out the blackout." "Why? What happened with Charlie? Do I need to beat his ass?" "He's dating his brother's wife and want's me to date him and his brother. So I legged it out of the restaurant in the middle of a blackout and this guy found me and his mom is making his dad make me coco."

Gabi laughs, "I so told you so.  Nothing is that simple in this universe, we can never be happy until the every end and I hate to brake it to you but that's years away." I pout, "I know, I just didn't want to think it." "You do know this means that you and Chuck--" I cut her off, "do not say it, wait you breaking up-- bye." I hang up and shake my head before walking back into the living room and being handed coco.

A/N: I'm back!! Right so I know it's been awhile and some of the updates will be slow but I have not stopped writing this story. I hope you liked this part and tell me what you thought of the reveal.

Xoxo Maddie.

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