Part 33 ✔️

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Gabi has just left for her date, with hot surfer guy. I think he said his name was Reggie like from Riverdale. I laughed at that and now I am having tea with Charlie, Chuck, Cece, and Eric. Dean, Blair, and James went out to get to know each other. As Chuck was pouring the ice tea he turns to Charlie, "so, Charlie I hear you live in London. Do you know Roxy's aunt and uncle." He nods, "yes, since I was about six. They are a lovely family." He nods, "has Roxy had a chance to share her favourite movies with you yet? Grease, The Neverending Story, and, of course, Mean girls." Charlie turns to me, "I thought your third favourite was The Breakfast Club." I sigh, "it is. Chuck stop harassing him."

Eric nods, "yeah, how well do you know Roxy Robinson is boring of those of us... who actually know Roxy Robinson." Cece adds on, "not to mention transparent." Chuck smirks, "why thank you, Grandma." I mean why did I have to have this I mean unlike Blair I actually like the man I brought home. Cece sighs, "why is it when you say that word, it sounds like an insult?" I shake my head and look back down to my food.

Charlie touches my leg, "no, no, I don't mind. I love a good game, especially one that involves Roxy." Chuck gives him a fake smile, "it's a shame you guys took a bus and not a limo. I don't know if you know, but Roxy loves a limo." I pretend to look at my phone and then say, "if you'll excuse me, Gabi needs help getting out of her boring date. I don't know what she expected from a surfer." Cece nods and I get up and walk back to the house.

I hear foot steps follow me and I turn to see Chuck, "so you ready to admit you don't like him." I sigh, "Chuck, over the summer I realised something. Me and you are toxic, I might of loved you but I stopped after my first week in London. With Charlie I can tell him I love him without worrying that he's gonna turn around and cheat on me, or change his mind. I spent the first week trying to forget you and when I did I fell for Charlie, and I finally knew what a healthy relationship felt and looked like. I can't be with you Chuck Bass, I can never be with you." He looks hurt and just nods, "see you at school Roxy." He walks away to what I think is his room.

I wipe my eyes and walk back out with my head held high, "false alarm." Cece smiles, "good, she deserve a good one." I smile, "that she does." We then go back to eating and small talk. I just have to remind myself the same thing I did in London, Chuck is not real and he is toxic and can only hurt me. I am not at all in love with Chuck Bass. I love Charlie, I have to love him.  

It's now night time and Gabi just got back from her date, "so tell me, is he just good looks or not?" She falls on the bed, "I felt like if I had one more conversation with him, I would go brain dead. I don't get it, all summer I have going on dates and I hate them all." I smirk, "I would say Nate, but he's taking a trip down cougar town." She rolls her eyes, "yeah I don't think that we will ever be a thing. Look I'm cool with being single I promise you."

Gabi's pov:

It's the next day and I am having a girls day with the girls. I know technically it's been almost a year, but I am still fangirling on the inside hard. This is my dream me, R, S, and B shopping together, I have waited for this moment for forever. Right now Blair is ranting, "damn Dean. He's totally right. I don't even like James."

Serena nods, "thank you, I waiting for that." Roxy nods, "yeah same." Blair gives them a look and I just smirk, "I am saying nothing." She huffs, "I only hooked up with him a week ago... because I knew I couldn't get off the plane alone. And it would kill me if Dean knew he'd ruin my summer." I give her a hug from behind, "oh, B, I'm so sorry. Was it really bad?" I let go and she nods, "I would be in my cabana at the Hotel du Cap, and there he would be. Amid all the fireworks on Bastille Day, all I could see was Dean's smug face."

Roxy nods, "I feel you, I was the same way at first with Chuck Bass-tard." Blair sends her a small smile and then says, "I could've gotten a more interesting stand-in than James. You know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend? How did you Roxy?" She scoffs, "how many times, I actually like him. I am not using Charlie." I nod, "yes, and I'm the Easter bunny." She whacks my arm and I pout, "ouch that hurt." Serena shakes her head at us and then turns to Blair, "he was smart and fun at tea yesterday, and he's really cute too." Blair smiles, "you don't have to lie anymore, Serena. He served his purpose. Now that Dean and his spy Chuck are on there way back to the city... I can dump James in time to go to the White Party stag."

I turn to Serena, "how was your date? Was it as bad as mine?" Serena nods, "After a few hours with that guy, I needed lifesaving, not guarding." Blair smirks, "baby steps, ma Cherie, baby steps."

We then walk down a different street and bump into Dean, Chuck, and Nate. Dean smirks, "good morning, Waldorf." She gives him a fake smile, "it was until now." Soon they all split off Blair with Dean, Serena with Nate, and Roxy with Chuck. I wasn't standing alone for long and Roxy and Blair got mad and called us and told us we had to go.

When we got back me and Roxy went to my room and sort through our bags, "so what did you and Chuck fight about?" Roxy rolls her eyes, "according to him, Charlie's family owns investments in hotels and owns some in the UK. Charlie told me his family worked in medical research. He's hiding something from me, and I want to know what." I sigh, "I'm sure it's nothing big just call your cousin." She nods, "yeah I'll do that later."

A/N: Sorry it's been awhile, I had a little bit of writers block and I am now back. Please vote so I can see you like it. Also please tell me who you want Gabi with because I am so stuck with who to put her with still.

Xoxo Maddie

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