Part 23 ✔️

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  I get home and call Serena, "Serena? What did Georgina say to you today." I pace around my room, "nothing much just that she was in town and we should have dinner. How did you even know she was back? Gabi you there?" I hang up the phone and look for something to wear for tonight. Roxy walks into my room, "hey G. What are you doing?" I turn around, "I'm getting changed to meet Dan to revise." She nods, "okay I think I'm gonna invite Serena round to revise we could do it together." I shake my head, "nah, I need to talk to Jenny about the Blair thing. Try and make her less of a bitch." She nods, "okay have fun."

Once she leaves I get changed and a cab to the address she wants to meet me. (outfit above.) I didn't lie earlier today Dan asked me to come round and I told him I would be late. I am now sitting at the bar with Georgina looking around, "is this really the best place for us to talk?" She looks up from her drink, "you of all people know nothing gets me talking like a Cosmo." Then two sets of drinks are placed in front of us and he points to two guys at the back. When we look at them they rise their drinks.

I move the drink away from me, "a lot has changed since we used to hang out, Georgie." She nods, "I know I get it." I shake my head, "no, you don't get it. Or you wouldn't have sent me all those so-called gifts." She gives me a look, "oh, come on, sweetie, those were funny. Get over yourself. I was trying to make you laugh. How about this? How about for one night, we hang out like old times? But unlike old times, I won't get out of control. Unless you want me to. I could get out-- No, okay. I won't get out of control and I totally respect that. Please, stop me any time you feel like answering. Any time. Come on." I laugh and drink the Cosmo. I give her a look, "one drink, but only one drink."

As you can guess I ended up having more then one drink. We were now drinking talking about old times laughing our heads off, "it was like the worst thing ever, and you remember when we ran out of money and I had to flash the bartender? Because we ran... wait, wait. Oh my God. Remember when we were Savannah and Svetlana?" I nod, "Savannah. I totally forgot about Savannah and Svetlana." She then puts on this face, "wait, no, I think we were Tiffany and Angel that night." We start to laugh and drink my drink, "you can talk me into anything."

The these two guys walk up to us, "hey, ladies, can I get you guys another round?" I shake my head, "no, thank you." The Georgina puts on a Russian accent, "my American girlfriend, so uptight. They think the drink leads to the sex." I put on a Texas accent on and play along, "no, no, no, I wasn't being rude. I just didn't wanna take anything if I couldn't offer anything in return." One of the guys responds, "we'd be happy with just one dance." I look at Georgina and then at the guys, "I'm afraid I have two left feet."

Georgina looks at me, "oh, this is what the practice for. Come on lady.." We then both raise our hands saying, "opa!" She laughs, "that's so good. Hold on, hold on." Her phone start to ring and picks it up, "who is that?" She picks up the phone, "no one. Thank you for calling back, it's just some--" I then take the phone, "Nadine the beauty queen, how can I help you?" The man  on the phone sighs, "I don't have time for this. You want one G or two?" My face drops and she takes her phone back, "can you just give it--?" I look at her, "some dealer you know?" She stands up," I didn't realise I brought my grandmother." I stand up, "I have to go." One of the guys tries to stop me but I leave anyway.

I stand by the entrance and call Chuck, "I'm so stupid. So, so, so, stupid." I lean against the wall, "you don't sound stupid you sound drunk. What have you been into?" I scoff, "one they are the same thing, two Georgina. Good news is she just wants to party with me. Bad news I partied." I slip down the wall, "care to paint a picture for me? Does this party require clothes?" My eyes start to water, "I'm supposed to be at Dan's, studying. I called to tell him I'd be late, but not this late. I just have to call him and say--" He cuts me off, "that instead of studying with him, you're out with your old pal Georgina."

I shake my head, "no, he's my only normal friend. I don't want him to know she exists. Roxy, Blair, and even you can't stand her. Dan of all people, cannot know Georgie Serena would kill me. Can you help me?" I can see the smug look on his face, "say you need me." I huff, "Chuck." He cuts me off, "hearing you scream my name is more then enough. I'll take care of it and pick you up in 10."

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