Part 26 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

Gabi didn't come home last night and I'm starting to worry. I've barely seen her for weeks. It's like she's keeping something from me. I walk downstairs dressed and ready and walk up to Maisie, "has Gabi come home yet?" She shakes her head, "sorry but no Miss Roxy. I will tell you if I find anything." I give her a smile, "thank you Maisie." I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water trying to think who she could be with right now.

Then I hear the elevator and hurry to see if it's Gabi. I find out it's Dan, "Dan what can I do for you?" He sighs, "I need to find Gabi to say sorry I messed up." I roll my eyes, "when don't you." Then I get a phone call, "hold on Dan." He nods, "I'll wait." I walk a bit away from him, "hey. No I thought she was with you. Where are you, I'll be right there. See you then." I turn to Dan, "I have to go, I'll make sure to tell Gabi you stopped by." I walk to elevator and close the doors so he will have to wait or take a lot of stairs.

We find Gabi and me and Blair leave her in the elevator and walk in to see, Chuck, Nate, and Serena. Nate steps forward, "is something actually wrong or is this just some play to get us all here?" I give him a look, "Blair meant what she said on the phone. I need your help. We need your help." We all walk to the elevator and they help carry Gabi out, "oh, my God." Chuck looks at her, "are you okay. What's wrong with her." She looks at them, "where are we going?" Blair takes charge, "take her upstairs. Dorota, coffee, fast."

Gabi is laying on the bed and me and Nate are trying to get her to move as Blair and Serena sort out the bathroom for her, "come, Gabi. Don't make me beat your ass." She hangs onto the bed, "I just wanna sleep." Nate gets her up, "we have to get her in the shower, keep her talking and awake. Come on." Blair walks out, "Dorota, will you please get her a fresh change of clothes and a bathrobe?" She nods, "of course Miss Blair."

Chuck walks in, "so we have every hangover cure known to man. Plus bagels, these should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she took." I give her to Blair, "you and Serena shower her, I need to talk to chuck." She nods and takes her in undressing her and Nate close the door.

I turn to Chuck as he says, "just like old times, except it's Miss perfect instead." I slap him round his head, "you asshole. Why didn't you tell me about the other G coming back." He sighs, "she told me not too." Nate looks at Chuck, "why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?" We hear her puking and Blair and Serena walk out. Serena sighs, "we may not need the bagels."

I sit on the bed and the boys look at us, "what's going on with her?" I sigh, "you tell them, she did come to you after all." Blair walks forward, "she was here last night, scared. She... she told me something crazy... but was too freaked out to find the words to explain it. I went upstairs to find my mom's Valiums to calm her down... but when I got back she was gone. Took me all night to find her. Then I called Roxy to help me once I did" She gets the water and some pills from the bag.

Chuck looks at Blair, "what exactly did she say to you?" I huff, "that's beside the point. we're here to help Gabi just like we all did for Serena. No matter what the problem is." I go in with Blair and we leave Serena outside with the boys. Gabi looks up at me, "I should have told you as soon as it--" I cut her off, "no don't do that. Come on take these and drink this you gonna be fine. Just like last time." She nods and I stroke her hair. Blair looks at me, "last time." I sigh, "let's just say none of you saw the full Gabi. Now drink you." She does as I tell her.

Me and Blair went to get towels and when we go to go back we past Dan. Blair tells Dorota to take them up. Then Nate walks down with Serena, "what's taking so long." Then Chuck comes in from the kitchen, and Dan looks at us all, "huh. Guess I missed a chapter. Or four, don't you all hate each other." We all say a mix of yes's and no's. He nods, "that's fascinating and ripe for psychiatrist's case study... but I am looking for Gabi." I step forward, "she's not here, she just left you must have crossed paths." He shakes his head, "I don't believe you. Serena is that true?" She pauses and then says, "we didn't want to tell you, but she doesn't want to see you Dan."

He laughs, "come on. Really?" I nod, "yes, really even your girlfriend said it." He walks to the stairs, "Gabi!" We all stand in the way and Nate says, "she's telling the truth, man." He looks at Chuck and Nate, "are you really going to stop me seeing my best friend?" He sighs and steps forward only for Chuck to push him back. He holds his hands up, "come on."

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