Part 40

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Roxy's pov:

It's been weeks since my melt down and the group finding out about me, and after a lot of convincing they all went make to their normal drama. Well they did all still give me concerned looks especially now because of fashion week. Although a part of me was too stressed to even pay them any mind and Gabi was there to help me. I was in my office in New York with my workers and interns running around to finish everything. Gabi then hands me a seating chart, "finished this morning boss. We obviously can't have Poppy because well, we hate her guts. So that makes Serena and the rest of the socialites a no go. However I think you will be very pleased indeed, I got some of the LA socialites to come and it's gonna be a big hit. They've never been to fashion week before so it will be a big deal."

I look over the chart and nod, "perfect, so my dad's coming then." Gabi nodded, "he confirmed his seat in the second row seat last night. He went on about how he would not go on the first when much more famous people could go there." I shake my head, "whatever he wants. I trust you with this, and are you sure you don't want to be on the runway. I can swap someone out for you in a second." She shakes her head, "no, I would rather be backstage then out there. Doing photoshoots I don't mind but walking down a runway is a no go for me." I grab my bag, "I totally understand come on we have school. Willow! Your in charge, if anything goes wrong it's on your head."

When we get to school I see a sulking looking Blair, "B? What's wrong?" She sighs, "Serena and that Poppy." Gabi scoffs, "seems like a stuck up twat to me." I nod and Blair nods as well then says, "well the girls seem to love her because of it. So, R... did you take your medication this morning." I roll my eyes, "I would love to catch up with you all but I have class." I kiss them both on the cheek the walk to class early.

I get home to a swarm of my interns and workers running around like headless chickens then Willow runs up to me, "we may have a problem, the flight for the LA guests, it's been cancelled." I glare at her, "I leave you for one day and this happens! Just get out of my sight, go get me a coffee. Now!" She nods and rushes to the elevator. I grab my phone, "Gabi, we have a problem and I need you to help fix it. Thank you, and hurry up please." I was going over some of the outfits, "Someone fix this hem line, now please!" Some grabs the dress and the rushes off to fix it.

The elevator door opens and Gabi rushes in, "issue? What kind of issue?" I roll my eyes, "what do you mean what kind of issue, look around me, look at this place." She looks around, "I don't get it." I take a deep breath, "we have no front row. The flight is cancelled and I have no front row." Gabi's eyes widen, "what do you mean they were all for it and I called this morning to double check." I shake my head, "who was I kidding, I can't do this. I'm not as good as the last me, I can't keep up. She would know what to do, she would have these types of people on speed dial." Gabo takes my hand and drags me to the corner, "hey Roxy, don't you dare forget that you are her. She's you, not a different person, now have you taken your meds today."

I look down, "they'll only slow me down." She shakes her head, "I'll deal with the front row, you deal with your own mental state." I nod, "fine but if one more thing goes wrong..." She nods, "you'll be the first to know, now shoo." I go to my room and take my meds then I decide to have some shut eye. I wake up to Gabi, "Chuck, your drunk and high please..." "I just need to see her, I need to know that she's okay." I feel my bed dip and someone stroke my face, "Robinson?" I open my eyes to see Chuck, "Bass, what are you doing here?" He sends me a lazy smile, "I went out with Dan Humphrey of all people today. I'm bored without you." I smile, "good thing I'm not going anywhere then." His eyes water, "promise me, even if I never say it, you won't leave me." I nod, "I promise Bass."

I wake up in the morning to an empty bed and a note, 'I'm sorry about last night, forget I ever came. Good luck for tonight. -Bass.' He is going to be the death of me. Just then Gabi rushes into the room, "I need you up and ready, we need to be at the venue like now, to set up." I sit up, "what about the front row?" She smirks, "coming on a private jet. Now dressed. We won't have time to change so just wear what we'll be wearing tonight." I nod and we both get dressed and the car drives us the venue. (Outfits above.)

I look around and then find Jeremy, "are all the modals here." He nods, "yes they are all in hair and make up trails as ordered and all the décor and chairs have just turns up and are being set up." I nod, "good, only come and get me when I'm needed." He nods and I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see my dad, "dad? I didn't think you would make it." He smiles, "I always make it, so where am I needed." I shake my head, "nowhere, everything is under control just take a drink and relax." He nods and I look over and see Gabi signalling me over, "you need to take your meds." I shake my head, "after the show, I promise now come on."

It's later in the evening and everything is set up and everyone is seated. Gabi squeeze's my hand, "your dream came true Roxs, if only your mom could see you now." My eyes start water and I let out a slight laugh, "she would be stressing more then me. Promise me something Gabs." She nods, "anything." I turn to her, "we'll never forget them. We won't forget our parents." She nods, "I promise, and who knows we might wake up and see them again." I shake my head, "I think we might be past that point now, come on the shows starting get to your seat."

The modals walk out and I have the biggest smile on my face. (modal outfits above.) I hear my dad behind me, "I'm so proud Pumpkin. If your mom was here--" I cut him off, "but she's not, and I don't care. She may be my bio mom but other then that she's nothing but a stranger. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bow to take." I kiss him on the cheek and walk out onto the runway taking my bow as everyone claps and the cameras flash in my face. The mom I have here will never ever be my real mom. It hurts me when anyone even calls her my mom, because I know my real mom would never just up and leave me for some guy.

A/N: I'm back also I went over all the old parts to edit them for grammar and stuff. I not only took a break because of school but because I couldn't find where to watch Gossip Girl and now it's on BBC iplayer I have somewhere to watch it. Also started the reboot, what are your thoughts on it?

Xoxo Maddie.

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