Part 20 ✔️

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It's after spring break and I had the best time ever with Scott. We spent the whole spring break clubbing, dancing, drinking, kissing, and him making me the best coffee ever. I don't think I've ever been so happy with a guy before. I had just got back to New York on the first day back to school. You see it would have been perfect if I didn't have the dream I had. On the last night I had a nightmare about Scott and Vanessa. I guess I never really thought about it, but it needs to happen I know that deep down. Me and Scott will have to end by the time I leave Constance.

I guess that just made me want to run. I had left Scott at my house in Boston with a note and then went back to New York. My parents haven't been home all spring break and they shouldn't be back for another week. I think they are in Paris for business, well that's what they said anyway.

I walk into the penthouse and up to Roxy's room. I open the door to see her still asleep and a bag of chilli chips next to her. I sigh and throw her duvet off of her she groans, "Maisie what are you doing." I laugh, "I'm sorry R, but you have to go to school." She jumps out of bed and hugs me, "G! Thank the heavens you are back. I have been so bored, I had to talk to Nate. Blair has been moping and Serena has been bonding with the Bass' her poor soul." I laugh, "I'm sure Nate's not that bad." She nods, "I guess he is sweet."

We sit on her bed, "so tell me all about what happened with you and Mr boyfriend." I shake my head, "well--" I get cut off by my phone and see it's gossip girl, 'morning upper east siders, looks like G has made her grand return from Boston. Rumour has it she came back no longer a single lady. Who is the mystery man?' I sigh, "just what I need." Roxy laughs, "at least this isn't about me or Blair being a whore. Come on let's get ready. (outfits above.)

We get to school and I see Blair take off her sunglasses and head scarf. We walk over to them as people start to look at us, "we can do this B, I mean who cares what these low lives think." She sends Roxy a nod, "you're right." Then Jenny drops yogurt on Blair's head and people take out their phones and laugh. Selena goes and helps Blair clean up and I join her as Roxy says, "I'll meet up with you guys." I see her walk over to Jenny so I yell, "don't kill anyone!" She turns around, "I make no promises."

Roxy's pov:

The others leave and I storm up to Jenny as Gabi leaves, "now what do we have here. I spy with my little eye a wanna be." Jenny turns to me with the girls behind her, "Hey R, you wanna join us for lunch." I roll my eyes, "I would rather stab my eye with a fork then hang out with you. You disappoint me, and just so you know only my friends get to call me R. You lost that right the minute you told Ethan." I take my water and pour it over her head and she shrieks in surprise, "next time don't mess with me or I'll do a lot worse. Toddles girls." With that I walk away to my first lesson swaying my hips.

It's now lunch and we tell B we can't make it and she says it's fine. I can she's not the happiest but after she heard what I did to Jenny for her she must be feeling nice. Over the spring break me and Nate became good friends and I told him I would sit with him with Gabi today. We find him and I cover his eyes, "guess who?" He hums in thought, "would it be Miss Roxy." I laugh, "you are no fun Nathaniel I can't tease you anymore." He laughs and turns to Gabi, "hey Gabi." She smiles, "hey Nate so what do boys do at lunch, and it better not be sport." He laughs, "well then, I just eat and talk."

She gasps, "really, no way we do that too." I join in, "who knew we would have so much in common when it comes to the three of us." He nods, "I know right, maybe if you talked to me without Chuck around you would know." I scoff, "well now that's the only way I'll talk to you. Look I have to see my math teacher about my C+ in her class and make at least a B+ or my dad will kill me. Have fun." With that I get up and leave them be.

Gabi's pov:

Once Roxy's gone Nate turns to me with a smirk, "so rumour has it you have found your new prince charming." I smile, "I would like to think so. He lives in Boston so it's hard, I don't know how long it will last you know." He nods, "yeah, well look if he doesn't make the effort he isn't worth it. You know it's funny, I remember having this huge crush on you when I was with Blair then you got with Dean and you looked happy. So after that I guess I started to like Serena."

I look at him shocked, "you used to like me? Why? I mean I just never saw the signs." He laughs, "I could tell. I guess it's because you were nice to everyone and you could have fun with and without getting drunk." I nod, "yeah I guess, but you've never really hang out with me alone or with just me and Roxy." He sighs, "yeah I know. I must of sucked as a friend, I mean I never really took the time to hang out with the two of you as we got older. So why don't we try being friends now." I smile, "yeah. Let's try being friends."

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