Part 28 ✔️

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We wall walk into the Bass rehearsal dinner. I turn to Blair, "thanks for coming with us B." She nods, "of course." Lily walks over and borrows Serena and my mom does the same with me and she doesn't look happy. We join my dad in the corner of the room, "I'm sorry I'm late mom. You both look great." My dad gives me a look, "what happened to you last night Gabi. Why did we get a call from Maisie telling us you didn't come home. Why didn't Roxy know where you were? And why did we get a call informing us you were on drugs?"

I shake my head, "I wasn't on drugs." My mom gives me a disappointed look, "don't you dare lie to us. We found the little home movie that you and your friends made." I don't look them in the eyes, "you watched that?" My dad shakes his head, "well, only part of it. We stopped when that guy had his tongue down your throat. But we can pretty much guess how it ends." I shake my head, "no, it was a joke, we were just kidding, It's not what it look--" My mom cuts me off, "you know what? You are out of control. We always guessed you had a wild side like most teens, but how can you look at yourself? What have you become? I thought we would never have to do this Gabi. I thought you were a good kid. We have no choice but to send you to a reformatory school. What do you think about that." They then walk away leaving me with tears in my eyes.

The three girls walk up to me, "what's wrong? What happened?" I hug Roxy crying my eyes out. She hands me to Serena, "take care of her me and her parents are going to have a little chat. It's going to be fine G. I promise." I nod and I hug Serena as she comforts me with Blair. I look at them, "I can't leave. My life is here." Blair give me a smile, "if anyone can talk some sense into them it's R. We both know it." I let out a small laugh, "yeah you're right."

Roxy's pov:

I have just finished talking to Gabi's parents and they went to find Chuck, just like I said to them. Then my phone starts to ring, "hello?" The I realise this must be Nate, "hey, I only have a second I'm on my way to Queens." I pull a face, "eww, gross why?" he laughs, "To meet Vanessa at a concert. I took your advise and we have been hanging out. I do feel like I should tell, Georgina's with her and Dan." My eyes widen forgetting about this, "she's there?" "yeah, you know Gabi doesn't want us to do anything... but I just thought you might wanna know." I look around for Chuck, "where are you right now?" "uh, 74th and Lex." I find Chuck, "don't move, we'll pick you up in ten."

I walk up to Chuck with a smile on my face and Blair behind, "what's gotten into you?" I smirk, "what if I told you I knew where Georgina Sparks was right now?" He shrugs, "I'd say let's get the bitch." With that we leave him following me.

We get into the concert when Rufus and the band are on stage. I know Gabi loves this song, she always said she wanted to feel something like this, one day. At the thought I let a small smile, thinking how innocent back home we were. Now Gabi is broken and I don't know how to fix her. Then before I can get too sad Vanessa walk over, "some date we got here, you even brought your friends. The ones I can't stand." I roll my eyes, "I don't like you either hun, now tell me where's Georgina?" Nate looks at the three of us, "what are you gonna do? You heard what Gabi said." Chuck scoffs, "like we care."

Vanessa turns her attention to us, "Georgina left." I put my hands up my hips, "left for where?" She shrugs, "I don't know, she took off. If I could only find Dan, he's here somewhere." Nate nods "well lets go look for him. Alone." Serena and Gabi come in and they walk up to us and we all five say, "hey, what are you doing here?" I clear my throat, "I came to record it for you, I know you love them G."

Gabi rolls her eyes and Serena says, "we're looking for Dan and Georgina. I called him this morning and told him to stay away from Sarah and now he's mad." Gabi nods, "yeah, have you seen them." Chuck replies, "you're out of luck, Georgina's gone." Serena looks at Chuck, "and Dan?" He smiles, "I'm out of luck, he's still around?" Gabi smiles and takes my hands, "it's all over now. I can finally tell Dan everything. B? S? Will you help me find him." I pout, "why not me?" She laughs, "you have a concert to record." I roll my eyes and they leave me with Chuck.

Me and Chuck follow them and my phone rings, "I think it's for you guys." I hand Gabi the phone and Serena puts her ear up to it. Then Gabi says the one thing none of us want to hear, "Georgina? No I'm not afraid of you anymore. Why? What are you gonna do? No, I know Dan. He wouldn't do that to Serena. He's too good." Then she gives me back my phone. We turn to Serena, "S, he wouldn't do that." She sighs, "I hope you're right." Me and Gabi both know I'm not.

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