Part 17 ✔️

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A/N: I am aware that barley anyone is reading this but I really like writing it so I am going to continue for my own enjoyment. If you are reading this though please do vote and let me know what you think. 

I walk out of the loft and get a cab to take me to where Chuck is staying. I knock on the door, "Gabi, what can I do for you." I roll my eyes at his smirk, "Hi, Chuck. I need to talk to you." He lets me in and walks over to his bar, "about getting knocked up? I must say I didn't think you would come to me with that." I roll my eyes, "Look Chuck I really need to trust you. I'm hoping that this is the time you choose to prove you are actually a good person, because I know you are."

He shakes his head, "your here for Roxy, aren't you? Look, I'm not gonna tell Mr Dull about us. I tortured her, got bored and moved on." I roll my eyes, "I don't believe you for a second, a blind man could tell how much you love each other. Look I didn't come here to tell you that. The test wasn't for me, it was for Roxy. She won't take it. Look I know she was also with Ethan, but you both used a condom. You're the only one I know that can talk her into it Chuck please." He shakes his head, "that's not my kid. No, it's Ethan's so go talk to him about Daddy duty. I'm not the guy."

It's the next morning and I walk down stairs dressed and see Roxy already eating. (outfits above.) "morning Roxy, Maisie." Maisie sends me a smile, "good morning, Miss Gabi." I look and Roxy, "so did you do it?" She sends me a glare, "Maisie, you can leave now." She nods and then walks away. "You need to take that test right now or I swear to God R." She sends me a glare, "you'll do what. No one will know because you didn't go to the loft and tell Dan. So it doesn't matter." I shake my head, "I went to Chuck." She sits up, "you had no right." I shake my head, "I did actually. I went to Chuck so he could tell you to take the test. I had to cancel plans with Scott. I let the whole world think that test was mine, and Scott thought I was seeing other people." Then Max walks in, "what's going on." I look at him, "Ask Roxy. Her version is always better. Fine. I have to go, I have to be early for a make up test." With that I leave and don't turn back.  

Roxy's pov:

"what was that about." I shrug, "how should I know. She just woke up like that." He sighs, "ok, but if you haven't been taking the pills then--" I cut him off, "I have I swear, I've only forgot a couple of times from stress." He nods, "maybe you need a break. Why don't you go see your auntie and uncle in London." I shrug, "maybe in the summer." He nods, "I'll call to ask."

Gabi's pov:

On my way to school I get a phone call, "Hey G, it's R. Two things: one I've been keeping something from you about the me here, and I'm not pregnant." I squeal and she does to, "I am so happy for you R. So what have you been hiding." She sighs, "In this world, after my mom left I took a dark turn. I did what Erik did and cut my wrists. I went and saw someone weekly in secret and I have theses pills I have to take. The me here was scared you would pity her and that's the last thing I want." I sigh, "I could never pity you R. Look I have to my test but talk later." I hear her sigh in relief, "yes, talk to you later."

In class Roxy tells me what happened with Chuck this morning and now she thinks he might put out a blast about her. It's now lunch and me and Roxy sit alone in are our spot on the steps away from Blair. Then we get a GG blast, 'turns out our saint like queen B was giving it out to two boys in the frame of one week. Naughty B be careful or maybe the next test brought will be for you.' We look over to Blair's spot to see her gone.

Roxy's pov:

I see Nate and Dean fight and feel happy that my secret didn't come out. Then I see everyone now looking at me and laughing. I check my phone to see the new blast, 'Looks like old habits are hard to drop. Rumour has it are new and improved Roxy isn't as improved as she lead us to believe, who's your daddy R? Baby daddy that is. Two guys in one week? Talk about doing the nasty. I guess B learnt it from you.' I gulp and turn to someone, "have you seen Ethan?" they say no. I decide to go to his house and wait.

His mom let's me in. I get a text form Gabi saying Ethan and Chuck got in a fight outside of school. I sigh and turn my phone off. I hear the door open and then Ethan walks in, "what are you doing here Roxy?" I send him a small smile, "your mom let me in." He shakes his head, "I didn't ask how you got in, I asked why." I step forward, "to talk about us." He takes a step back, "there is no us. You lied, I asked you if anything had happened and you said it was history." I sigh, "you know Chuck would do anything to twist the truth." He sighs, "but Jenny wouldn't." I look up at him, "Jenny." He sits down, "you do not get to be mad at her. I would of found out. If you hadn't of lied none of this would have happened. I would like you to leave now."

When I got home I storm up to Gabi's room, "you went to Dan after I told you not to. You did this for what? Entertainment? You knew what would happen, and you did it anyway. You have ruined everything." She looks up and me, "come on, we know it all works out in the end." I scoff, "no it doesn't because I never get Ethan back, that's your fault!" She has tears in her eyes, "but you love Chuck." I shake my head and start to pack a bag, "I want you gone!" She tries to stop me, "where will I go." I give her the bag, "maybe to your new besties Dan's." She takes the bag and leaves with her head down. I then burst out in tears, how did all this happen.

Gabi's pov:

I get a cab and tell them to take me to Brooklyn. I knock on the door and see Rufus, "hi Mr Humphrey I'm a friend of Dan's is he here." He sees my eyes are red from crying and my bag, "yes please come in, and call me Rufus. It's Gabi right the one who knows my band." I give him a small smile, "that's me."

He lets me in and I wait on the couch and then Dan comes in, "Gabi what are you doing here." I take a shaky breath, "Roxy she-- she found out I told you and that, that's how Jenny found out. She yelled at me and then-- She kicked me out and throw a bag of my stuff at me. I have nowhere else to go Dan." He pulls me into a hug, "you can stay here. Right dad?" He nods, "for as long as you want. So you play music?" I nod, "yeah, I have a CD if you wanna hear it." He nods and I find the CD Scott got me and played it for them.

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